Thanks to both of you. Information noted. I hope I can get there myself some day.
Printable View
Thanks to both of you. Information noted. I hope I can get there myself some day.
Great images everyone... :)
A recent image from the Alberta Badlands.
jim k
Dusk, Hoodoos Minor, Alberta Badlands, Drumheller, Alberta, Canada, 2009
Jim, I love the shapes, textures and tomes of that image. Nice!!
is that a re-modified Epson job?
Cool image, Jim!
Thank you... :)
Andrew, yes this image is the first image from my almost modified Epson 750 8X10 negative holder, where I mounted the image 2mm above the scanner's glass platen, hanging the negative from the bottom of the glass plate. The focus is not perfect, but other modifications to follow should fine tune the exact location. I am still working on that feature.
jim k
Here is my recent work:
Glacier Bay, Alaska, 2009
Chamonix 45N-1, Kodak TMAX-100
Hello, a landscape of Catamarca, Argentina, by far wind. Greetings to all
Linhof 90mm Tmax 100 D76
Matterhorn reflected in the Riffelsee, Zermatt
Toyo metal field (4x5), Fujinon 90mm, Ilford Delta 100 / PMK Pyro
Wow... incredible depth and detail, David. NICE!!