WOW, beautiful shot and persrective!
Printable View
Thanks stradibarrius. I took a few more shots at that location, with the idea of creating a panoramic image. This is where I've got to so far, and it's the first time I've knitted two 4x5 images together - it's far from perfect, but there's some potential here, imo. Next time, I might take vertical rather than horizontal images, for example;
Älplisee panoramic
Sinar F, Rodenstock Grandagon-N 75mm, Fuji Acros / Xtol 1:1, orange filter (for both images)
David, this is a fantastic series of images... I'd dash of to the mountains at once seeing your shots..
Thanks andreios - I really appreciate your comment. I'm looking forward to getting back to some higher altitude hiking in the couple of months we have left before the snow arrives. Here is one last one from the most recent visit;
Feegletscher, with Dom in the background
Sinar F, Rodenstock Grandagon-N 75mm, Fuji Acros / Xtol 1:1, orange filter
Cross-post from "Images of mistakes" thread - it is a mistake, but I like it nevertheless...
Shot with Chamonix 5×8" and Meyer Trioplan 260mm f:4.5 lens (without shutter) on 5×7" sheet of Adox CHS 25, developed in Rodinal. Full frame.
Hiked a 70 pound pack 1100' down into Linville Gorge for this... made 6 exposures and this is the only one I felt was worth keeping. Maybe I'll have a higher hit rate next time, if I can talk my legs into carrying it all down there again.
Attachment 138574
Modified Speed Graphic, either a 90mm Raptar or a 210 Caltar-S, can't remember. Probably the 210 judging by the perspective. Arista ULTRA Edu 100, F/32ish and something around 15s. Rodinal 1:50 in MOD54, scanned on Epson 4990.
Thanks, Stone. I've already decided to pare down the kit... Next time there will be no dark cloth (I have a t-shirt), two fewer lenses, half the film holders, and I'm considering ditching the light meter. If only I could get the camera and tripod weight down a bit...
Yeah I'm tank developing 6 sheets at a time, so I can't really zone system properly. I'm usually just trying to hit somewhere in the middle to preserve detail in both highlights and shadows, then getting the contrast right after scanning. Sacrilege I know, but it really removes the need for a spot meter. Incident and the matrix meter between my ears is good enough.