View Full Version : Schneider Super Angulon 165mm

5-Feb-2013, 15:56
Last weekend a portrait photographer sold me his 8x10 camera gear. One of the lenses that I got was a 165mm Schneider Super Angulon which
I have sent to Schneider to be cleaned, lubed and adjusted. Can anyone tell me anything about this lens ? At 165 mm it seems to be a wide angle lens
for 8x10 format, but the photographer I bought it from seems to have been a portrait photographer, Wayne Lavorik, who does have quite the bio and resume.

Check him out : https://www.google.com/#hl=en&tbo=d&sclient=psy-ab&q=wayne+Lazorik&oq=wayne+Lazorik&gs_l=serp.3..0j0i7i30.5725.7440.0.8671.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.

I can't wait to get the lens back and start shooting 8x10.


Lachlan 717
5-Feb-2013, 16:06
Pretty wide lens for 8x10.

Unless shooting environmental portraits, I don't see how this could be considered an 8x10 "portrait" lens.

5-Feb-2013, 16:14
Some of those images that you've linked to appear to be full-body portraits in small rooms, for which a wide angle lens would be a good choice, so I san see how he would have used the 165 on 8x10.