View Full Version : HELP...fix cable release?

26-Jan-2013, 11:46

I am currently away for a weekend of photography and my cable releases have stopped throwing the cable far enough to trip the shutter. Can it be easily fixed? I tested at home before coming away and they were fine! Been in cold car overnight, but only around -2C. Tripping shutter with my finger...not great.

Help appreciated.



Jon Shiu
26-Jan-2013, 11:58
Sometimes they come apart near the ends and could possibly be super-glued back together.


26-Jan-2013, 13:25
Use vinyl elec tape. Stretch tightly, gaining no more than a quarter of a width at a turn. This will compress the housing, removing slack in the cable. Put several turns wherever you see a bulge in the housing. When you get home you can redo with heat-shrink tubing. Good luck. If you are captured the secretary will disavow all knowledge of your actions.

26-Jan-2013, 13:32
I'm with Jon on this some do stretch and come apart, particularly the plastic cover ones, I've repaired a few with a tiny drp of super glue, I've also used heat shrink tube to fix others ( Maplins sell the tube in the UK).

The moral is carry spare releases, I pay no more that £1 each in the UK.
