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View Full Version : Pinhole Cameras

Steve Arnott
15-Apr-2004, 09:34
I'm considering buying a pre-made, wooden, 5x7 pinhole camera to play around with.

The two I've found that are in my price range are the Proper Pinhole 5x7, available from Maine Photographic Resource, and one from Lensless Camera Mfg, available directly through the company, and from Samy's Camera.

Have any of you used either of these cameras, or know anything about them? Any info would be helpful.


David du Busc
15-Apr-2004, 09:57
Don't overlook the Leonardo made by Pinhole Resources. Eric Renner is the author of THE pinhole book. Good luck.

tim o'brien
15-Apr-2004, 14:48
Don't overlook any 4x5 or 5x7 Speed Graphic, sans lens. Clean it up, put a lensboard wih drilled pinhole in it, and load up them film holders.

April 25th is pinhole camera day!

I am getting the Polaroid back together for my daughters' and my first attempt at color pinhole photography this weekend. We need to get the process and exposure down before the big day.

tim in san jose

15-Apr-2004, 22:07
Try this:-


David F. Stein
17-Apr-2004, 00:25

No need to buy one of these expensive cameras. Make your own-just build it around a film holder.