View Full Version : Jobo CPP2 wont reverse direction...

18-Dec-2012, 17:27
OK, I am at my wits end here, did numerous searches and have come up with nothing, and I even remember seeing a post on this some time ago.

I have inspected the inside of the main unit for moisture, made sure the relay that the "Chicken Foot" is attached to is working right, it all looks ok to me and I can only get one direction of of my Jobo CPP2 when operating. If you look at the gear from the end away from the main unit, the spin is counter-clockwise. I even move the claw around to try to re-engage it, I hear the click of the relay and then there is a slight hesitation and then it keeps going the same direction.

Not really sure what to do here, as it works for one session one day, then the next batch it no longer reverses and today it never reversed.


18-Dec-2012, 17:33
not that it helps (may get you through your batch) but you don't need it to reverse if you're using expert drums/sheet film.

18-Dec-2012, 18:06
See my response on APUG.

BTW the reverse topic has been covered thoroughly here and on APUG, and the bottom line was that you want your machine reversing if you can.
As Vinny notes - it will not harm to use it this way if you need to run some film right now but should be addressed ASAP.

18-Dec-2012, 18:11
I figured it has been covered, I just did both forum and google searches and could not find it, I'll look on APUG. And yeah, the batch I just did came out perfect with one direction...

19-Dec-2012, 02:22
Hmmm, from what I figure, the reversing of the direction of the motor spin is simply reversing the polarity, no?

And obviously this has to be done with something on the circuit board (ref. http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php?topic=63783.0). My guess is that it's one of those components gone bad.