View Full Version : Durst 138 Height

William Whitaker
8-Dec-2012, 07:54
Could some Durst 138 user please tell me the height from the floor to the top of the column? I don't have access to mine right now, but am considering moving it into some new digs next year - if it fits.

Mine is a condenser version, so if yours is, too, I'd also be interested to know the height at full extension.

Many thanks,

Larry Gebhardt
8-Dec-2012, 09:28
Mine's 81" to the top of the column. My ceiling is too short to get the head all the way up, but it looks like it would be 85 to 86" if it was.

William Whitaker
8-Dec-2012, 09:35

8-Dec-2012, 20:10
Just under 85" to the top of the head.


2-Mar-2013, 21:39
85" on the nose on mine

4-Mar-2013, 17:41
This info might be useful for more people so I decided to add mine. I have a Durst 138S that has a column with 205 cm (height), roughly 81". With the CLS301 color head the height raises to 230 cm, ~91". These were measurements taken with a tape moments ago.