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View Full Version : Hello from Alberta, Canada

7-Dec-2012, 09:24
Hello ! -- I joined this forum several years ago, when I thought I could make a go of this, but unfortunately back then things did not flourish (for several reasons...). Several things have changed since, and a few weeks ago I took a last minute decision to join a large-format workshop in Death Valley taught and guided by Michael E. Gordon. The workshop was excellent ! Michael is first class, top-notch, and a pretty decent guy too (!), and the location incredible. The rest of the participants were all absolutely great folks, and I now have re-newed interest; so you may see my sometimes basic and uninformed questions come up here, while I learn. Cheers ! and Happy Holidays !...

Tony Evans
7-Dec-2012, 09:42
Welcome back. There are a few of us here. Where are you located?

7-Dec-2012, 09:49
Welcome from Hamilton, Ontario.
Death Valley looks like a great place to go. Did you develop your megatives there?

Andrew O'Neill
7-Dec-2012, 10:39
Welcome aboard!

Len Middleton
7-Dec-2012, 11:51
Good to see the the CanCon of the forum increase further,even without a mandated CanCon requirement from the CRTC... :D

I believe the is a LF group in Calgary, and a few members here from Wild Rose Country (no politics intended in that comment).

And hello and welcome from another part of the country.

Andrew O'Neill
7-Dec-2012, 12:30
For all you outside of Canada who do not know what CanCon is, it stands for Canadian Content. Meant to make sure that there is a certain amount of Canadian music on the airwaves up here. Unfortunately, that meant we had to listen to a lot of Celine Dion.

7-Dec-2012, 15:19
Welcome from Australia.

Vick Ko
7-Dec-2012, 15:56
Feist does it for me

For all you outside of Canada who do not know what CanCon is, it stands for Canadian Content. Meant to make sure that there is a certain amount of Canadian music on the airwaves up here. Unfortunately, that meant we had to listen to a lot of Celine Dion.

Tony Evans
7-Dec-2012, 16:05
Hey, "Murdoch Mysteries" is on PBS!

7-Dec-2012, 16:26
I do believe this particular forum meets CanCon requirements. But not the Quebec OLF's standards.

Eric Rose
7-Dec-2012, 16:55
Yes we do in fact have a Calgary Large Format Users Group. We meet every second Tuesday of the month except during the summer. If you want to join up send me an email and I will add you to the distribution list.

7-Dec-2012, 23:03
Hi Tony -- ...I am in Red Deer for now, and do make it to Edmonton every now and then....

Andrew O'Neill
7-Dec-2012, 23:12
Oooh, Quebec... isn't that the province in Canada that produced Celine? It's your fault!;)

7-Dec-2012, 23:12
Thank you all for the warm welcome !

"cowanw" -- ...we did not develop the negatives there, and I have not done mine just yet, trying to get set up with chemicals, and a daylight drum...

Len, Eric -- I did inquire about an LF group in Calgary at the photo shops there (Camera Store, and Vistek) but no-one seemed to know about it... Thanks Eric for the news (!), I would love to come to the mtgs, and will have to work out the commute time.

Cheers !

Eric Rose
8-Dec-2012, 16:27
Ya with all the newbies at The Camera Store I'm not surprised. The old crew sure knew about us.

Len Middleton
8-Dec-2012, 22:06
Yes we do in fact have a Calgary Large Format Users Group. We meet every second Tuesday of the month except during the summer. If you want to join up send me an email and I will add you to the distribution list.


I was there October 2011 and tried to tie up through the APUG link, but alas with little luck. I did make some inquiries regarding Lf photographers with some of the people I worked with and through one to the individuals met up with Jim Kitchen.

Next time I am in town i will give you some advanced notice and see if we can tie up.



8-Dec-2012, 22:27
Oooh, Quebec... isn't that the province in Canada that produced Celine? It's your fault!;)

We had the good sense to sell her to the highest bidder some time ago. Of course they keep trying to return her, thankfully they didn't use Paypal.

Andrew O'Neill
9-Dec-2012, 11:02
:D So that's what happened to her, eh?

9-Dec-2012, 16:53
A warm welcome from the SE corner or the Forgotten Corner as we are some times called.

9-Dec-2012, 17:02
And another welcome from Montreal. Using large format in winter poses problems quite different from those of arid climates I should think...Hope you have a lot of pleasure outdoors this time of the year; the days are sort of short too.
Any, good to have you back within tthis most useful forum.

Len Middleton
9-Dec-2012, 18:03
A warm welcome from the SE corner or the Forgotten Corner as we are some times called.

Did you finally get a radio station that played something besides country and western music? :D

Did some work at the glass plant there in the mid-1980's...

10-Dec-2012, 16:03
Did you finally get a radio station that played something besides country and western music? :D

Did some work at the glass plant there in the mid-1980's...

There is now a Christian country and western radio station, only know that due to carpooling in the past. But there is CBC and CKUA so who needs anything else :). There are one or two new local stations and they play country and western or rock with country and western.

You must of been one of the last in the glass plant as believe it ended in the 80s, but something else is now in its place if it is the one in Redcliff you are referring to.

Len Middleton
10-Dec-2012, 17:54
Yes, it was the Domglas Redcliff plant...