View Full Version : My new web portfolio/site

bob carnie
6-Dec-2012, 09:19
This site has been made to use as a calling card for Laura (my lovely wife) and my work. We are sending print portfolios to gallery's and it
seems to be mandatory for the gallerists to see the work before you can even send in a portfolio.

This is not a commercial website in any stretch... I would appreciate any constructive critisism, there are changes being made now and in the future to the grammar and
some of the images, but I am most interested in hearing if the site is effective in communicating what Laura and I do as photographers. As well as any glitches, which are hard
to spot.

Our goal is to have the portfolio on the West Coast in January and start moving back to the east coast to different potential gallerys.

Here is the site www.patersoncarnie.com

Peter Lewin
6-Dec-2012, 09:52
Bob: Actually I visited your site earlier today after reading your comments in the On Photography/What We Photograph thread. The only technical issue I noticed was sizing of your images on my iPad: in landscape format (with the iPad horizontal) your images are cropped vertically; in portrait format (iPad vertical) you can see the entire image. I have not visited the site via my iMac so I can't tell if it is just an iPad issue.

On an aesthetic basis, I enjoyed the imagery a lot. Your still lifes and solarization are visually intriguing, and original. I also enjoyed your wife's work, if it were LF rather than plastic MF camera work, it would be just the expansion of our LF aesthetic we were discussing in the other thread! FWI, my impression was that her work says at least as much about color as it does about its stated theme, Innocence.

brian mcweeney
6-Dec-2012, 16:32
Hi Bob,
Here's my two cents for what it's worth:
The home page says Paterson Carnie Printmaking and not photography (ers). At first, I wasn't sure if all you just did was printing.

The navigation was pretty easy although it took awhile to realize there were more than one page of images, using the titles on the upper right. You do know about the infared typo yes?

In the Muskoka Dreaming section you spoke in first person instead of third like you did on the other sections.
On the home page when you click on Laura's copy it goes to her portfolio, but yours does not.

Like I said, two cents worth.

Light Guru
6-Dec-2012, 16:58
It looks visually good on my iPad. But the content organization is rather confusing and I believe that this is because you are sharing the website with a 2nd photographer.

The Home page has 2 two short bios and then you also have separate pages with additional bios/ artist statements about each photographer. This makes your home page really confusing.

On the home page I would put a short paragraph saying who each of you are, how you know each other, and perhaps why you enjoy working together on photography. Leave off the short bios on the home page and just include them on the pages about each separate photographer. You may even want to include photos of each of you on your separate bio pages and a photo of the two of you together on the home page.

Mike Anderson
6-Dec-2012, 17:38
I agree the navigation is confusing. Click on "Paterson" and options appear on top of the main menu. I didn't notice it at first. Click on "Carnie" and I was expecting some thumbnails like the Paterson page. Nothing. Then I realized there was new stuff at the top. It's unexpected.

The structure is simple:

Found Metal
Metal Still Life
That structure should be easily discoverable and the location of the each page should be clearly indicated on the page.

The minimal style is nice, it just needs a rearrangement of the navigation layout and a little more attention to spacing/margins to give you pictures the environment they deserve.