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View Full Version : Bellows extension questions on the Ebony SV45Ti

Jim Cole
14-Nov-2012, 14:15
I'm thinking of upgrading my Ebony RW45 to a SV45Ti to allow me to use longer lenses.

The max extension on the SV45Ti is listed at 445mm. I would like to use my Nikon 450mm on this camera. According to the numbers, I may have to use tilts and rise to get the 450 to focus at infinity.

Anyone here have this combination that would tell me how it works? I have always felt limited with a 300 on my RW and didn't really want to go the route of the 400T.

Also, I have my 75mm Nikon mounted in a recessed lensboard and the min extension is 85mm (25mm longer than the 60mm on my RW45). Looks like I'll need to do the same tricks with this lens as well. Any users of this combo out there that can comment?

Maybe some comments about making this switch, too.


C. D. Keth
14-Nov-2012, 15:59
What kind of long lens work do you usually do? If you're always focused at infinity, then you may just be able to put the 450 on a tophat board. If you use it for a mixture of things closer than infinity, I doubt you'll be able to make that one work satisfactorily.

Jim Cole
14-Nov-2012, 17:29

It will be mostly for landscape work, not studio or close-up. I actually forgot that I had a tophat board that I use occasionally in the studio with the 300. I'll have to look and see if the Copal 3 will fit on the tophat.

Thanks for the suggestion.


Jim Cole
14-Nov-2012, 19:03
Just checked my Ebony extension tube set. I have two 35mm tubes and a Copal 3 adaptor, so I'm all set on the 450.

I still have a question on the minimum bellows on this camera and whether or not my 75 will work. If not, maybe I'll sell it and pick up a 90.


14-Nov-2012, 22:14
Do you have the Nikkor SW 75/4.5? Ebony has a very handy table: http://www.ebonycamera.com/articles/lenses.html
You need 81.3mm of bellows to focus that Nikkor at infinity, so the 85mm minimum with the SV45Ti won't quite work, and you'd have to do at least some of the base+center tilt and rise trick to get that lens to focus. That table shows the Fuji SWD 75mm needs 85.1mm, so that might be an option if you can find one.

Doremus Scudder
15-Nov-2012, 03:18
Does that Ebony accept recessed lens boards? If so, that will likely be necessary given the post above. Any recessed board will get you infinity focus, since it's only a few millimeters that are needed.

Whether the bellows are too compacted to use movements is another issue, but there isn't too much wiggle room with a 75mm anyway.

<update> I just checked the Ebony website: they sell a 15mm recessed board which they say fits all their 4x5 cameras. That or a Linhof/Wista recessed board and you are in business.



Jim Cole
15-Nov-2012, 11:36
Drew and Doremus,

Thanks for the reference to the Ebony table, Drew.

I do have the SW 75 f/4.5 and it is already mounted in a 15mm recessed board so it will probably work without movements at infinity. I wasn't expecting any movements as even with the recessed lensboard and the additional 25mm of room in my RW45, it doesn't allow but a wiggle here and there.

Thanks again to both of you,


Former Member 27732
16-Nov-2012, 03:23
I've been using a Grandagon 65mm lens on an SV45Ti for some time, without any major problems. With a standard bellows there is still some very limited movement available. Better with a WA bellows though. I would expect the 75mm lens will give you a touch more room to play with. Also, you may (as I do) have to tilt backwards and plumb the front standard to get focus to infinity. Looks a bit odd, but it works for me.

Former Member 27732
16-Nov-2012, 03:31
Forgot to mention, too that you will probably need to use some base tilt to keep the camera bed out of the picture, if you are exposing a full frame. This is less of a problem if you use a 6x12 back.

Jim Cole
16-Nov-2012, 06:54

Thanks for the info and tips. Anything you don't like about your SV45Ti? What's the longest lens you use?

Pete Suttner
16-Nov-2012, 09:28
SV45Ti is a very nice camera. Very versatile. I use a Fuji 450 mounted on a standard board frequently. Tilt the back and front outward and use whatever rise needed to frame the subject and blast away. Easy with a little practice.

Former Member 27732
16-Nov-2012, 23:46

Thanks for the info and tips. Anything you don't like about your SV45Ti? What's the longest lens you use?

Jim, I use (very rarely) a Fuji 450mm lens on a flatboard without any problems. My only (minor) gripe is the camera won't take a Schneider 90XL lens. Otherwise, it's is a joy to use and quick to setup for most shots, including those tight wide angle ones.
Here she is with the 65mm focused to infinity and no intruding base.


Jim Cole
17-Nov-2012, 06:03
Pete, thanks for the positive comments.

Frank, is the rear cell on the 90XL too long? Should I be worried about my 110XL? If so, it's a deal breaker. Thanks.

Steve Barber
17-Nov-2012, 07:36
Pete, thanks for the positive comments.

Frank, is the rear cell on the 90XL too long? Should I be worried about my 110XL? If so, it's a deal breaker. Thanks.

If you are referring to the 90mm f5.6 Super-Angulon XL, the problem is the diameter of the rear element being too large to fit through the front standard on an Ebony. Later models of that lens have a separate rearmost portion of the rear element that can be removed when mounting the lens and that will allow it to be used. If your lens is one of these, it can be used on your camera.

Jim Cole
17-Nov-2012, 09:53
If you are referring to the 90mm f5.6 Super-Angulon XL, the problem is the diameter of the rear element being too large to fit through the front standard on an Ebony. Later models of that lens have a separate rearmost portion of the rear element that can be removed when mounting the lens and that will allow it to be used. If your lens is one of these, it can be used on your camera.

Thanks, Steve. Thanks for the clarification. I hope that's what Frank was referring to.

Jim collum
17-Nov-2012, 12:08
i've had the SV45Ti for a couple decades now... I haven't shot a 450mm, but I shoot with a Grandagon 65mm all the time. Same experience as Frank above.

I've carried this thing all over the world.. and love it. Personally, I"ve had no problems with it at all. My main use of late has been with the Betterlight scanning back.. and it's sold enough for use with that (the back can be very temperamental with vibration)

Jim Cole
17-Nov-2012, 16:48
i've had the SV45Ti for a couple decades now... I haven't shot a 450mm, but I shoot with a Grandagon 65mm all the time. Same experience as Frank above.

I've carried this thing all over the world.. and love it. Personally, I"ve had no problems with it at all. My main use of late has been with the Betterlight scanning back.. and it's sold enough for use with that (the back can be very temperamental with vibration)

Jim, thanks for the comments.

Former Member 27732
18-Nov-2012, 02:24
If you are referring to the 90mm f5.6 Super-Angulon XL, the problem is the diameter of the rear element being too large to fit through the front standard on an Ebony. Later models of that lens have a separate rearmost portion of the rear element that can be removed when mounting the lens and that will allow it to be used. If your lens is one of these, it can be used on your camera.

That's right, Steve and my XL doesn't have the removable piece at the back, either. I'm not game enough to "play" with it on the Ebony and only use it on the 8x10.