View Full Version : Still life reflector/flag clip

Sylvester Graham
5-Nov-2012, 22:57
So, I have seen over the years still photographers use little arms, sometimes flexible, to hold small fills and reflectors around the subject for very precise light and reflection control. Sometimes a whole garden of them. Mostly I didn't pay attention. But now I'm wishing I had asked what they were called.

The closest thing I can find would be the nasty clamp: http://www.nastyclamps.com/

But at $50 a pop, I don't think so. There must be other methods for doing this, or maybe even another piece of standard equipment that I'm not aware of.

Thank you

Frank Petronio
5-Nov-2012, 23:08
Hot glue guns, foamcore, coathanger wire, pipe cleaners, modeling clay, tacky wax, mirrored tile from the bathroom section of the plumbing store, grocery store Aluminum foil, "A" clamps from the hardware store, small dimensional lumber, scrap metal as weights, Scotch double-sided tape.

All cheap and off the local shelf, the most exotic things coming from browsing JoAnn's Crafts or a Hobby Shop.

Real Gaffer tape from B&H, etc. is worth it. I like this stuff too: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/44690-REG/Rosco_RS100113_Matte_Black_Cinefoil_.html (remember that removing light is just as important as adding it).

If you want fancy, knock yourself out here: http://setshop.com

When I see some geek pull out the ProFoto and $1000 light modifiers I have to laugh, most of them have no clue. Then you read some puffery about how Annie Leibovitz started to use Brand XXX and watch, they'll all buy those - even though she couldn't light a cigarette to save her ass.

C. D. Keth
5-Nov-2012, 23:15
Multi-clips are good for small stuff and they're fairly cheap:

Bruce Watson
6-Nov-2012, 05:12
There must be other methods for doing this, or maybe even another piece of standard equipment that I'm not aware of.

There are. Got to B&H and search for "flex arm". And Manfrotto makes a series of "magic arm"s.

13-Nov-2012, 09:30
I've been looking for a cheap version of the flexible clips, holders, etc. I'm going to make some out of kits from Loc-Line. For clamps I'll use various sizes of alligator clips you can get from electrical supply stores. They make small clips for wires all the way up to huge clips for big battery chargers. The Loc-Line is cheap in comparison to finished projects. I'll probably just attach the clips with rubber bands or velcro so I can use the loc-line arms for multi-purpose like adding modeling clay to hold items, change out to different size clips, etc. I use Mouser Electronics as an electronics supplier. Here are links:

Loc-Line Flexible Tubing Systems: http://www.loc-line.com/
Electronics Supplier: http://www.mouser.com

Hope this helps. If you do make something, send me a PM or email with links to pics. I'll do the same. I think it's very possible to build a 1/4" flexible clip holder for small items for $10 - $12 and a 3/4" flexible large clip for about $13-$15.


Bob Salomon
13-Nov-2012, 10:22
Novoflex PFKLAMMER plant clamp, KLAMMER mini clamp, ARM or ARM-K or MARM or MARM-K flexible arms with and without ball head.

Sylvester Graham
13-Nov-2012, 15:59
She lives!

I found something quite affordable that might work: http://www.amazon.com/American-Metalcraft-Double-Sided-Flexible/dp/B004UMWVWY

Though I haven't gotten any yet.

C. D. Keth
13-Nov-2012, 22:50
If something that small will work, just get some alligator clips from an electronics shop and some heavy gauge solid copper wire. The alligator clips will crimp down on the wire and you'll be able to make those in different lengths.

Tim Meisburger
14-Nov-2012, 06:06
I was in a store the other day and the had a whole lot of these clamp and clip and suction cup things that are apparently used to hold little sale signs in clothing stores. They look perfect and cost about a buck a piece. I'll go by there again sometime and take a picture.

Tim Meisburger
16-Nov-2012, 01:23
Okay. I stopped by there and picked up a few. Here is the relevant website page. I'm sure they should be available in the US and other places: http://www.o-pop.com/product-en-548196-General+POP+Series.html

Cheers, Tim

Peter Gomena
16-Nov-2012, 09:37
Aluminum armature wire from the sculpture section of a big art supply store is light and flexible. It comes in several diameters and is hollow so you can glue or crimp in small clips. It's easy to bend into any configuration.

Peter Gomena