View Full Version : 4x5 Saunders VCCE enlargers

Eric Brody
15-Mar-2004, 09:23
I am interested in the Saunders-Omega 4500 VCCE series enlarger. On paper, it seems to be a great solution; variable contrast-constant exposure. I'd appreciate hearing from anyone with experience with this system, good as well as bad.

I have been using a Beseler 45 enlarger with a Zone VI variable contrast coldlight. With this, one adjusts the intensity of the two lamps to vary the contrast, but when changing contrast, one must make new tests since the exposure changes.

Thanks so much.


scott jones
15-Mar-2004, 09:38
I own this enlarger and love it in every way. I can find no faults. The VCCE head is accurate over the range of about filter #1-4. Lower or higher, you may have to make a time adjustment to keep your highlight values the same. They say it is aligned out of the box, but my experience shows that that is not necessarrily so, because when I bought a Versalab parallel alignment guide, it clearly was not perfectly aligned. I made all the easy necessary adjustments, but to be honest, I can't tell any difference in print quality between the "before alignment" and "after alignment" states (and I AM picky visually).

I do recommend getting the full XLG model so that you can get enough height for those rare big enlargements. Also if you want to ever get a pin registered glassed carrier that has a bracket you can fix to the front of the negative stage for completely reproducible carrier placement, then Alistair Inglis can provide one custom made for this enlarger, rather than buying the one Saunders (now Satter/Omega) makes. Howecver the Saunders carriers are very nicely built and fine...

High recommendations for this piece of well made equipment.

ScottJonesPhoto.com (http://www.scottjonesphoto.com" target="_blank)

Tadge Dryja
15-Mar-2004, 10:11
I have one. It's pretty cool. I like using it a lot more than the enlargers at school, which are mostly old omegas.

The only tiny thing I don't like about it: It could definetly be brighter. Using the VCCE eats up a lot of light, and I often make 20x24 enlargements, so my times run into the minutes. I think the time-saving convienece of the VCCE outweighs the longer exposure times though.

I have not had any problems with alignment that I could find. I didn't use a laser or anything, just a grain focuser. This is in contrast to the nearly hopeless situation at school, where if you bump the table you can see the projected image go out of alignment.

Since you asked mostly about the VCCE part - yes, it works. Maybe not in the extreme contrast ranges, but usually when I'm printing at 5 or 00 I have bigger problems :) It's definetly nice to be able to tweak contrast a little bit, nudge it to like a 3.2 or so, and not worry about different exposures.

Good luck, have fun in the darkroom.


15-Mar-2004, 10:30
Variable contrast papers differ in their response to printing systems. For a given VC head you can dial in a grade 3 (for example) and you may get a grade 3 or you may get something else. The actual grade number is irrelevant; what is relevant is that one particular setting will [usually] result in different contrasts between papers. Because of that variation, it's a good idea to calibrate your system to your paper (or papers). Of course, you don't have to; you can simply add or remove contrast until you're happy with the result. But a calibrated system saves both time and paper. If it were possible to calibrate the VC head internally, then a grade 2.5 on one paper would look like a grade 2.5 on a different paper.

I don't think that the Saunders is capable of that. I've not used one myself, but have observed the use of one close up at a John Sexton workshop. It appears to be a very well made machine and if I were shopping for a new enlarger, I would seriously give one consideration. But given the cost of a new Saunders, I don't really see the advantage over the system you're presently using. It's true that the Zone VI VC cold light head has rather quirky nomenclature, i.e., letters representing relative brightness settings. But it's still a very capable system. I have one of the Zone VI heads adapted to my Durst and have found that it really works pretty well overall.

The Saunders is easier to align than the Beseler, but there are ways to deal with aligning the Beseler. If you didn't already have a good enlarger, I'm sure the Saunders would be an excellent choice. But you do already have a good enlarger with a VC head. Unless you're just looking to spend money, I'd stick with what you have and keep printing.

Just my $.02,

Ted Harris
15-Mar-2004, 11:21
I traded a Zone VI for a Saunders ......

Bruce Barlow
15-Mar-2004, 11:55
I love mine, and I have a Beseler 45MX with a ZoneVI Cold Light and Stabilizer, too, which I never use anymore.

Easy to use, consistent, solid. I, too, wish it had more light output, and someday I may spring for the 35mm mixing chamber, which supposedly gives more light output for 35mm.

But for now, it's wonderful enough for me.


Henry Ambrose
15-Mar-2004, 13:47
I am completely satisfied with mine!

Before this enlarger I used a Beseler with cold light and it was a pain to change contrast compared to the VCCE - the VCCE actually does work and makes printing soooo much easier. In every respect the Saunders is easier and nicer to use, I can't think of one thing I liked better on the Beseler. I have the standard height version of the Saunders and don't have any problems with long exposure times but then I mostly make 11X14s and smaller. If you think this might be an issue then get the XL version which has a longer column and a more powerful lamp. But I think you can just install the more powerful lamp if thats all you need. And if you find a deal on the regular model and need more height you can always go to a wall mount. If you look around you can find 4500s pretty reasonably priced. I see more color versions (I think you can do VCCE if you make a chart of filtration settings but don't know this for sure). I've seen these selling in the $600 range lately. The way folks are running to digital they might get cheaper still.

Bruce, the 35mm chamber does increase output by quite a bit. I find it helps with slower papers and larger prints. For knocking out RC 8X10s or similar I prefer the MF chamber as times can get too short to do any manipulation with the 35mm chamber. Its nice to have both options.

Eric Brody
16-Mar-2004, 10:15
My sincere thanks to all of you who took the time to respond to my question, including one person who was kind enough to send me, off line, a spreadsheet with simple exposure correction calculations for my Zone VI variable contrast head. I shall try the calculations while continuing to elicit opinions and while keeping an eye out for a well priced, used VCCE unit. I may stick with the Zone VI.

I am one who is critical of those who focus (pun intended) too much on equipment, while secretly I love all the toys. In a hobby, one needs to realize that it's got to be fun.

I greatly appreciate everyone's courtesy.
