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View Full Version : 8X10 Kodak 2D Lens Needs Atkins

Paul Bien
24-Feb-2004, 21:05
I have ventured into the prospect of trying 8X10 by aquiring a Kodak 2D 8X10. After a friend created a really nice lensboard for my 14" Ektar I also aquired from an un-named auction site, I am nearly ready to go with 2 new Toyo film holders and a box of HP5. One problem. I mounted the lens and realized that any front rise is impossible to maintain due to the mass of the lens and the lack of a locking control knob on the front of the 2D, only a geared knob that works well, except no ability to lock. Do I have to carry my handy dandy C-clamp and blemish the wood evrytime I want to shoot, or cut differnt sized blocks of various inch dimensions? Not clear how Ansel got his to stay up......hmmm. Any help is much appreciated. Regards Paul

domenico Foschi
25-Feb-2004, 00:34
I am not sure if they made more models of the D-2 , but in mine you can lock the knob simply by pulling it . Try , and you might get lucky .

Bill Jefferson
25-Feb-2004, 03:37
Paul, Cut down plastic 35mm cans to hold up the lens, I did this to hold mine at center. Make a step wedge for the other hights above center, any wood will do. good luck

Nick Morris
25-Feb-2004, 10:57
The geared rise knob on the 2D is has a pull/push design to lock the lensboard in place. When the knob is pushed in and the knob turned, the lensboard can be raised and lowered; pull the knob out about 1/4" and the lensboard locks in place. I have had no problem with a 16 1/4" Wollensak triple convertible, which is about the same size of the 14" Ektar (maybe a little bigger). I wish you as much enjoyment with your 2D as I've had with mine. It has been great!

Paul Bien
25-Feb-2004, 11:35
You guys are great. Something so simple as pulling the knob out to lock the mechanism. Duh..... I should of tried it. Works great.

Many thanks.


Neal Shields
26-Feb-2004, 14:40
I have had a 2D for over 20 years but haven't used it much. It was purchased Army surplus. It had a friction knob, that I now realize was hand made, installed on the other side of the front standard to hold it up. I went home last night and pulled out the rise knob. Duh!

26-Feb-2004, 17:40
Well, I did the same thing when I first got my 2D. I was showing it to a friend who knew nothing about view cameras ( mine was the first he had seen) and I expressed that I didn't know how to lock the front rise. He walked over and pulled the knob!
