View Full Version : Photographic Gallery in your Town

bob carnie
4-Aug-2012, 08:42
I would like to start a list of good photographic gallery's in different international locations. My list is short but includes 7 well established and photographic friendly gallery's.
My hometown is Toronto , Ontario , Canada and I will start here.

1. Stephen Bulger Gallery- Stephen has a world class collection, and is extremely active in our community.
2. Nicholas Metivier Gallery- This gallery is the home of Ed Burtynsky and they like showing large format imagery.
3. Ryerson Image Gallery- Brand new gallery with lots of promise for the future
4. Gallery 44 - Contemporary Gallery which is member based but holds a world class rental darkroom .
5. Angell Gallery- Contemporary Gallery run by very enthusiastic curators.
6. Bau-X1 Gallery - this is one of my favourites right now as they are very active in the photographic community.
7. Alison Milne Gallery - could be an up and comer in the photographic scene, run by a friend a Anthea Baxter-Page a good photographer in her own right.

not sure if this kind of thread has been started before , if it needs moving then thats ok by me.

So what gallerys are in your neighbourhoods??

Pat Kearns
4-Aug-2012, 21:54
Not exactly in my neighborhood but whenever me & my wife visit New Orleans we always go to "A Gallery For Fine Photography".

Jim collum
4-Aug-2012, 22:07
Newport Beach, Ca
Susan Spiritus Gallery: http://www.susanspiritusgallery.com/htmls/gallery.htm : one of the early ones in the US. Has vintage and established contemporary. She's also very good at working with 'mid-career' and emerging photographers.

San Francisco (All at 49 Geary)
Scott Nichols Gallery http://www.scottnicholsgallery.com/ : The gallery shows a combination of established, up and coming and contemporary photographers.

Fraenkel Gallery http://www.fraenkelgallery.com/ : almost always an excellent exhibition.. runs with the A list of photographers.

Robert Koch Gallery http://www.kochgallery.com/ : also many of the A List, but also up and coming photographers

Stephen Wirtz Gallery http://www.wirtzgallery.com : contemporary and up-and-coming photographers

4-Aug-2012, 23:38
McNamara Gallery, Wanganui, New Zealand. http://www.mcnamara.co.nz/

Jim collum
5-Aug-2012, 09:36
right now there's a photographic 'art fair'... their participants are probably the leading Photography galleries out there. The list is at https://photo.vipartfair.com/fair/exhibitors. Each of those galleries has a 'Info' link, that points to their own webpage. (also a good reference to what's selling, and what prices are being had)

John Fink Jr.
5-Aug-2012, 11:22
Excellent, keep them coming!

5-Aug-2012, 12:45
Dallas has two:

AfterImage http://www.afterimagegallery.com/ (one of the granddaddies of the genre), and

Photographs Do Not Bend http://www.pdnbgallery.com/Site/HOME.html

In Ft. Worth, there is also the extensive and excellent photography collection at the Amon Carter Museum. http://www.cartermuseum.org/collection/photographs Not exactly a gallery, but they always have something interesting exhibited.

Jim Bradley
5-Aug-2012, 13:14
Luz Gallery
Victoria , BC



Brian Ellis
5-Aug-2012, 14:59
Weston Gallery, Carmel

Andrew O'Neill
5-Aug-2012, 15:06
PhotoHausGallery, in Vancouver, British Columbia http://photohausgallery.com/
Presentation House Gallery, in North Vancouver http://presentationhousegallery.org/