View Full Version : Canadian short film on 8x10 shooter

Joseph O'Neil
30-Jun-2012, 10:14
Knowledge.ca is a British Columbia based website that hosts a pile of short videos on arts, culture, science, etc. If you clickon this link below:

this will take you to "12 takes" on BC artists at work. Video #4 is about a BC large format shooter, specifically 8x10. About 2 minutes. Likely nothing new many of you haven't already seen or know, but thought it was kinda cool to see a LF shooter defined as an "artist".

There are other photography films at :
but so far, the above one is the only LF photographer I have seen so far on that site



30-Jun-2012, 15:42
Apparently it doesn't play here (Florida).

Joseph O'Neil
1-Jul-2012, 07:03
That stinks. I have the same problem here in Canada - many videos based in the USA will not play here because they do not have the rights to our region or some such nonsense. I can stick a TV antenna in the air and pick up the signals for free across the lake from the US, but watch the same things on my internet connection is forbidden.

Anyhow, if I find another link, will post it

rant mode = off

Pete Watkins
2-Jul-2012, 01:24
Can't make it work here either.

MIke Sherck
2-Jul-2012, 08:50
Won't work here in either Internet Explorer 8 or Opera 12.


Scott Walker
10-Jul-2012, 06:56
Works here in Alberta :)

Andrew O'Neill
10-Jul-2012, 10:56
I watch Knowledge network all the time. I really liked "Life in Stills".

10-Jul-2012, 18:40
It doesn't state it at that URL, but once I went through http://knowledge.ca/program/12-takes, the message confirmed that it's not a technical issue:

"We're sorry. This program is not available online in your area."

I think that outside (Canada?) one has to donate. Might be worth it. It bums me out that we have "reality TV" by the toilet full, but can't get this in the states.

Robert Skeoch
11-Jul-2012, 05:33
Very interesting piece.

Andrew O'Neill
11-Jul-2012, 13:54
I think that outside (Canada?)

Yes, British Columbia is a province in Canada... Knowledge Network is publicly funded. There are some British programs on the BBC that I love but cannot watch online either. It's a bummer.

20-Jul-2012, 22:10