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View Full Version : Alt Process discussion @ AS220 in Providence RI JUNE 5

eddy pula
31-May-2012, 16:45
Hey all, apparently, and I don't know what mad mod let this happen, I am the cyber host for Brittonie Fletcher and Joesph Seawards alternative process lecture next tuesday at AS220 in Providence RI. It'll be a fun and informative nite, Brittonie Fletcher is a artist who had to pick up test tubes to finish her masterpiece and Joe is an escaped MIT science experiment gone mad! Naw they are really good people, but Fletcher is an AMAZING artist, she makes a little of everything but vintage antique whatever you want to call it prints (ambrotypes out of old goose eggs, no joke this witch cooked up daguerreotypes one hot summer in philly using nothing but old thermometers and dime store mirrors and the biggest microwave you never saw) and Joe went to MIT for about a year then dropped out cus there weren't nothing that place could teach him and went to MASSART (the only state artschool in the country, I love my masshole home I really do) and now he does everything click and clack the tappert brothers can beam out of Hawwwvard Square (my fair city) on the tiny transistor radio implanted in his molars!
All joking aside these are the kids I believe in, and If I have to tell 10 shaggy dog stories a nite to pull this off between now and next tuesday I will.
They Deserve it All!
Eddy 'steam punk hype man' Pula:mad::cool::rolleyes:

eddy pula
31-May-2012, 17:32

eddy pula
31-May-2012, 17:35
ok so this is kind of weird but I'm trying to figure out how to turn my carnival barking voice into a mini ad agency READ (I WATCH TOO MUCH MAD MEN) for AS220, I realised that wiki knows more tags than half of heck so I just copied a pasted them in to wordpress, I know why you guys have a 5 per day limit, no one wants to live in spam-a-lot but is this something internet wizards do?

eddy pula
4-Jun-2012, 12:15
Ok all, just bumping cause its tommarow, here is the official press release, my releases have been highly unofficial I was told

Join us this Tuesday, June 5th, at 7:30pm for a JOINT lecture featuring photographers Brittonie Fletcher and Joe Seaward.

Using slides of their work as reference, Brittonie and Joe will create and open dialogue lecture. Following this, the audience will will be invited to engage in question and answer, directing the subsequent open conversation with the artists.

Brittonie and Joe will be discussing topics ranging from the difficulty of writing artist statements to themes of struggle and redemption evident in their personal work.

This lecture is free and open to the public!
Visit http://www.as220.org/darkroom/ for more information.

Joe Seaward: http://www.joeseaward.com/
Brittonie Fletcher: etherwaves.blogspot.com

eddy pula
5-Jun-2012, 09:47
last bump, tonights the night come one come all and check out the official AS220 page for tonights Alt Process Lecture