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View Full Version : Cable release, rod and recessed lens board

23-May-2012, 04:40
This recent thread on cable releases and recessed lens boards reminded me of my recent struggle with this recently obtained Shen Hao recessed board (http://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?79983-FS-15mm-Recessed-Len-Board-Copal-0-Size).

I managed to fit in my 65mm SA 5.6 in a Compur O just barely (switching the pre-view lever requires a thin plastic pen). It was very hard to bend the connecting metal rod (should fit in the bottom of the cable release socket and the shutter).

Spending quite some time on bending and trying, using both supplied rods I am still not happy with the construction. Tripping all speeds do work, but it takes some time before the shutter release is back in it's neutral position.

When using the "B" setting it does not return et all (I assume there is some spring at work which at the shutter speeds which moves the shutter release back (which does not seem the case when using "B" ).

Thinking it over right now: would the angle/inclination of the shiny metal cable socket on the lens board be the problem? I mean when you press the cable release, the rod moves out but also down, not applying force straight to the shutter release of the shutter it-self, but under an angle, and the rod gets jammed a bit? If you follow me on this thought, that is..:p..


