View Full Version : New England Large Format Photography Collective at VPC

gene LaFord
11-Mar-2012, 17:52
I am pleased to announce that the Valley Photo Center in Springfield, MA will be presenting the work of the New England Large Format Photography Collective (NELFPC) members' work. The exhibit will run from March 20th - April 27th.

An artists' reception will be Saturday March 31st from 1:00 - 5:00. During the reception NELFPC will present a gallery talk and slide presentation by Shelby Lee Adams, internationally known photographer and Guggenheim Fellow. The talk will take place from 2:00 - 4:00 and Adams will talk about his work and experiences.

70041. Gallery hours are Tuesday - Friday from 11:00 - 2:00... or by special arrangement.

For more information please send me a PM and I 'll get back to you ASAP.

I hope many of you can make the reception and gallery talk. It is a special event.

bob carnie
12-Mar-2012, 06:36
Looking forward to the show and hearing Shelby talk. see you there.

13-Mar-2012, 04:45
This is a "can't miss" event. I'll definitely be there.

William Whitaker
13-Mar-2012, 17:40
I'm expecting to be there, too, the elements willing (fair winds, calm seas and Honda). I look forward to hearing Shelby and meeting you folks.

Steve Sherman
16-Mar-2012, 17:40
In addition to the the 60+ piece show of Large Format Photography by NELFPC members, the Shelby Lee Adams presentation and Q&A, Shelby along with noted Large Format photographers Sandy King, Michael Mutmansky and noted gallery owner Paul Paletti will talk about the work on the walls offering constructive commentary and individual perspective.

From 1 -5 pm on Saturday March 30th there'll be more Large Format based topics displayed, discovered and discussed then most will witness in a year's time!

Seriously, don't miss this if you live in the Northeast!

gene LaFord
24-Mar-2012, 07:52
Bump! :D

gene LaFord
29-Mar-2012, 09:56
Final bump before this weekend! :D

Kirk Gittings
29-Mar-2012, 09:57
I'm going to miss you guys!

William Whitaker
31-Mar-2012, 20:02
While I enjoyed Shelby's presentation, I think I got just as much of a kick out of seeing the wide variety of work on display. You've got some talented folks in that group. Got to meet a few people, although not as many as I'd hoped. Definitely worth the drive. Thanks!

gene LaFord
1-Apr-2012, 18:34
Will... sorry I was running around like the proverbial chicken with out a head, it would have been nice to meet you.


William Whitaker
1-Apr-2012, 18:49
Thanks Gene, likewise. Next time for sure!

2-Apr-2012, 09:43
While I enjoyed Shelby's presentation, I think I got just as much of a kick out of seeing the wide variety of work on display. You've got some talented folks in that group. Got to meet a few people, although not as many as I'd hoped. Definitely worth the drive. Thanks!

It was very nice to finally meet you, Will. Wish there had been more time to talk.

Shelby Adam's presentation was certainly very interesting. Glad I was able to be there.


2-Apr-2012, 15:12
Gallery ticket to the Cancer benefit Thursday night - $150 (wound up with a Sandy King Carbon Print), admission to Aipad Friday - $25, Shelby Lee Adams talk Saturday $10, Spending the weekend with my friends from NELFPC and some of the most talented photographers I know - PRICELESS.....

Paletti, Sherman, King, Shanesy, Holowitz, Freeman, et al...made my head spin looking around our discussion group Saturday night...or maybe it was the Dumante...

Kirk Gittings
2-Apr-2012, 15:51
Paletti, Sherman, King, Shanesy, Holowitz, Freeman, et al...made my head spin looking around our discussion group Saturday night...or maybe it was the Dumante...:)

John Flavell
2-Apr-2012, 16:23
Good to see a fellow Kentuckian (Adams) doing well way up north.

5-Apr-2012, 14:54

You and Dumante are pretty much in the legendary status at the New England Large Format Collective!! Course, all things happen for a reason! The fact that you are a great landscape photographer of the southwest gave you the opportunity to emerge and enter this second circle of fame!

BTW, I came away from the event with a 7X17 gum over palladium print by Michael Mutmansky. Very nice work.


Kirk Gittings
5-Apr-2012, 15:54
Sandy, in my 20's I always thought I'd rather be infamous than famous. Where hard work failed Dumonte succeeded. I really wish I had been there. Congrats on the print.