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View Full Version : Exhibit at he Nevada State Library

John Kasaian
6-Dec-2003, 20:12
I just got in from a Carson City, Nevada, where I made it a point to take in Jim Galli's exhibit at The Nevada State Library. It was a drizzly gray day, perfect for going to a library. Libraries always struck me as being especially nice on rainy days. The Exhibit is in the Library and not the Gallery, as I found out, and while I've seen Jim's photos on his site and occasionally he'll post one on this forum, the real live prints were nothing like what I've seen on my computer screen.

Besides the incredible resolution of the silver print, as well as the special feel of contacts that just dosen't "come across" on the computer screen, there is a thread that runs through the collection of images that I found very unique and enjoyable. Its kind of hard to describe...its not exactly the nostalia that one would usually associate with rusty old things, nor is it exactly a commentary on vanishing historic architecture...maybe its a little bit of both, but there is more to it than that. These prints could easily have kind of an ageless quality that could lead the viewer to believe they were taken 30-40 years ago, but the effect I see is more like I'm watching time pass as I moved from print to print---not unlike watching a series of photographs of a young child growing to maturity and finally old age...only its not a portrait of people, but of a period in time. Like I said, its hard to describe---but well worth seeing if you're in the area. If you're lucky, it'll even rain a little for you.


Peter Galea
6-Dec-2003, 20:32
That's great John. Thanks for the write up. I've always enjoyed Jim's posted photos. I would love to see them in person. How many were there? 8x10 contacts?

John Kasaian
6-Dec-2003, 21:22

Gosh! I wasn't counting, but I'd guess around two dozen or so 8x10 contacts plus several other sizes including several big color landscapes. Most of the photos are on one side of the library, the side that looks out onto the street, but there are a few more scattered on other walls---kind of like going on a treasure hunt for the eyes. I really enjoyed the exhibit!

David F. Stein
6-Dec-2003, 23:23
Thanks for the report. I think there is a greater lesson in all this. You don't have to be a famous name (although tpahjim is right up with the greats!) and you don't have to have a unque style (i.e. the beach ball is MINE, MINE, MINE!) to make a valuable contribution to photography and our social scene. This is what Brooks Jensen means, I believe, when he talks about photography as a way of life or approach to life. Do what's inside oneself to do-the results will speak first to ourself, then for themselves, to others. They needn't be heroic or original—though they might be—just honest and, thus, beautiful. THANKS.........

Brian Ellis
7-Dec-2003, 09:08
Bright sunny days are good for libraries, rainy days are good for photography. : - )

Jim Galli
8-Dec-2003, 10:20
Thanks for the taking the time to post some positive words John. I'm very glad you made it to the display. Pete, there are about 50 pics with about 2 dozen of them being 8X10 contacts. 1 11X14 contact and a single platinum / palladium. Look for a "gallery" spread of some of the color landscapes in the next issue of NEVADA MAGAZINE.