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View Full Version : Polaroid type 55

Gene M
2-Dec-2003, 18:12
I just made a couple of portrait test shots with 4x5 type 55. I've never used this stuff before and I'm amazed at the shades of grey and perceived sharpness of the print. Under a magnifying glass the print is really impressive. I made the exposure at ASA 50 as I was more interested in the print than the negative. I'm eager to shoot some 55 for enlarging.

I've never shot film this slow with a view camera. I shot 95% of my stuff on with ASA 100 film. Is this sharpness and gradation related mostly to the film speed or inherent to type 55 ?

Steve Feldman
2-Dec-2003, 19:30
Great stuff, isn't it.

For printable negs expose at ASA 20-25. The prints will be over exposed, but the negs will print fine.

Many say that Type 55 is the old Pan-X.

2-Dec-2003, 19:48
Polaroid has been making this wonderful film for 40-50 years. Why the heck haven't they managed to equalize the print and negative speeds? (Another case of Dr. Land going on to something newer and more interesting before the last thing is perfected. or could it be a marketing decision?)

Mark Sampson
3-Dec-2003, 06:48
It's not a marketing decision, but a law of physics. To get a dense enough negative for normal printing, the polaroid print must be lighter than you want. A negative thin enough to make a good polaroid print will enlarge on to a #4 paper. There ain't no free lunch!

steve simmons
3-Dec-2003, 08:07
The Type 55PN is very good material. It has a thinner base than regular sheet film and this may be somewhat the reason dfor its sharpness. It has been rumored to be Panatomic X for years. Not only does it enlarge well it is great for scanning and a perfect solution for people who don't have a darkroom but want a good 4x5 (well almost) neg for scanning..

I agree that Polaroid would be well served to more actively promote this material.

steve simmons

Bill Jefferson
4-Dec-2003, 03:13
Hi All, U want more promotion, Tell The C.E.O. J. Michael Pocock.