View Full Version : "My Time with Brett" by Randy Efros

Shawn Dougherty
22-Feb-2012, 21:56
Just got my hands on a copy today. Great stuff so far, the book is presented in interview format by Rebecca A Senf, Ph.D. It seems to be painting a slightly different picture of Brett than I have read before.


Doug Howk
23-Feb-2012, 03:16
From whom is it available? I haven't found a listing for it on the usual sites.

SW Rick
23-Feb-2012, 08:00
I think you can find it at the MagCloud website- pretty sure it was "printed" and sold from there.

Shawn Dougherty
23-Feb-2012, 08:32
It wasn't MagCloud, it was printed by Edition One Books. I didn't see it on their website but I didn't look very hard. I had a hell of a time finding it. I got mine from some little gallery in Arizona who only had a couple left. I'll have to check when I get home.

SW Rick
23-Feb-2012, 11:45
Try 422 Gallery- that may be the one. 602-957-3122 John Kitts

Doug Howk
24-Feb-2012, 16:23
I just got thru ordering a copy from John@422Gallery.com They're only $25 + shipping, and he still has a few signed copies.

Richard M. Coda
24-Feb-2012, 19:18
I got a call from Edition One today that they had received a bunch of inquiries about this book and they wanted to know how it should be handled. I designed the book... Randy and Becky are friends of mine. Shawn, I am happy that you are pleased with the result. Yes, 422 is selling the books, or you can buy from Randy directly.

Richard M. Coda
24-Feb-2012, 19:26
I have also designed three other books for Randy of his own work... two are already published in hardcover as limited editions with a print. Those two and an additional book are also available as softcovers alone at:
Limited edition hardcover inquiries should be directed to Randy at 602-973-2321

Shawn Dougherty
25-Feb-2012, 09:02
I'm only half way through (kinda savoring it, would be easy to read in one sitting!). It's a different take on what I've read about Brett so far. The personal photographs are fantastic and the layout is top notch.

I highly recommend it for any Brett fan.

you many want to post the info HERE (http://www.apug.org/forums/forum56/102346-my-time-brett-randy-efros.html) as well.


Richard M. Coda
25-Feb-2012, 13:58
.. and the layout is top notch.

Thank you, Shawn!

Shawn Dougherty
29-Feb-2012, 18:43
Finished it last night. I can't say enough about the personal pictures, especially those of an older Brett photographing around Hawaii! =D This is a must have for any Brett fan/collector.

Merg Ross
5-Mar-2012, 21:56
Shawn, thanks for posting. Randy provides a good portrayal of the Brett that I remember during his last dozen years. In some ways, he was the Brett of earlier times; the philosophy, routine, vision and dedication were constants.

Of course, I prefer to recall the younger Brett, still in his thirties when we met. The more youthful vitality, our photo travels and times together, is the Brett I most fondly remember. However, Randy's affection for Brett, shared by those fortunate to know him, comes through with clarity.

Darin Boville
6-Mar-2012, 14:25
Is there a way to but this book without paying $15 shipping? Does buying directly from Randy cost so much?
