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View Full Version : Stains in Floor

Kirk Gittings
21-Feb-2012, 17:31
I have some brown photo chemical stains in a vinyl floor just outside my darkroom. Any ideas what might get them out?

21-Feb-2012, 17:34
This may help:


21-Feb-2012, 17:56
Doesn't seem like it's a darkroom (thread) issue if it's outside. Oh, that's right, you're special :eek:. Be that as it may, people have referenced OxyClean for stains a lot lately.

21-Feb-2012, 19:02
throw down a layer of mastic
then throw down a new layer of vinyl.

or oxyclean.

John Flavell
22-Feb-2012, 04:38
Indicator stop-bath, then a dash of perm-wash.

22-Feb-2012, 10:10
I'd try oxyclean or bleach. If you get it clean, the vinyl should probably be waxed to be more resistant.

Lynn Jones
22-Feb-2012, 10:53
I have some brown photo chemical stains in a vinyl floor just outside my darkroom. Any ideas what might get them out?

Hi Kirk,

Most high quality camera stores used to have an expensive liquid that removed these stains from clothing. I don't remember the name, I haven't used it for several years. I used to pay about 15 or 16 bucks for a 4 ounce bottle but it was worth it. See if you can find somebody in the camera store business over 40 years old.


22-Feb-2012, 11:22
Oh, and by the way, thanks for the great job you and everyone else does keeping this a very informative and helpful web site.

Kudos to the team!

Thom Bennett
22-Feb-2012, 12:18

David R Munson
22-Feb-2012, 12:35
If you have Oxy-Clean on hand, that would be my first suggestion. The specialized product will probably do the job, but why not start with what you've already got? I've used it to make a paste that got some pretty nasty stains out of past rental places I've lived in. I'd be surprised if it didn't work.

22-Feb-2012, 14:42
Ask this lady, Australia's most useful person. http://shannonlush.com/ Stains can be very technical.

Kirk Gittings
22-Feb-2012, 14:46
Thanks all. I'm not sure at this point if these are b&w or color chemistry stains.-could be either.

Kirk Gittings
1-Mar-2012, 17:03
FWIW OxyClean did nothing.

1-Mar-2012, 18:09
A few years ago, I made the mistake of wearing a favorite white shirt into the darkroom and somehow got one small spot of something brown on it (I think it may have been developer). I tried several things to get it out and nothing worked. After being washed about 35-40 times over a few years, it's finally not obvious (and the shirt's not as in style either). Your best bet might be repeated attempts and lots of elbow grease. It really does depend on what made the stain.