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View Full Version : dry mt press--cleaning

Raymond Bleesz
19-Oct-2003, 09:08
I will be cleaning my 210 Seal dry mt press in the near future as a precationary move.------What methods, products have you found most useful in your cleaning procedures??????? And, when dry mounting, what steps do you go thru on a routine basis to guard against foreign objects affecting your time consuming, hand crafted print???????

Thank you----Raymond

Gem Singer
19-Oct-2003, 10:38
Hi Raymond,

When you are ready to place the print into the press for final heating and sealing, carefully brush the dust particles off of the surface of the print and cover the clean print surface with a sheet of Seal Release Paper, cut to a size slightly larger than the print. Then, the print, with the mounting tissue tacked to it's back surface, along with the print mounting board, are sandwiched between two sheets of clean mounting board and heated in the press. The Release Paper prevents the mounting tissue from sticking to the cover board, should it creep out from under the back of the print. This method insures that only the clean mounting board comes into contact with the heated platten. You could also use a sheet of Release paper to cover the platten at all times, if you want. It's the melted mounting tissue adhering to the platten that needs to be cleaned off. Seal makes a liquid cleaner solvent that removes the dry mount tissue residue from the platten, but prevention is the best solution.

Freestyle Sales Co. sells the Seal Release Paper and Platten Cleaner. They are not in-expensive items, but the release paper comes in a roll. A sheet cut from the roll, in a size that generously covers the print, can be used over and over again.

Gem Singer
19-Oct-2003, 10:58
P.S., Raymond,

B&H sells those items at a slightly lower price. The Seal Platten Cleaner is a paste that is packaged in a 2oz. container. It's not inexpensive, but a little goes a long way.

John Cook
19-Oct-2003, 15:31
In the old days, mon ami, we used to use Bon Ami.