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14-Nov-2011, 11:04
I hope it is consider large format, given the world is miniaturising and digital sensors getting smaller I hope a 617 negative is now considered Large !!

In which case, today I found a great deal on a Fuji GX617 and purchased it along with an Epson V750 (wet slide coming).

I am very excited as I shot this baby for a couple of days in the Yorkshire Dales with a pro landscape photographer from up that way and was impressed at the fact for once in 20 years I only shot 20 photos all day and could have shot only 5.

Everyone has pushed me to Digital, Stitching, Photoshop, but there was just something simple, easy and slower about using a film camera that really appealed away from the digital world of Weddings I live in most days.

I now have tried Velvia 50,

I have a batch of Fuji Velvia 100F, Kodak Portra 160 and 400 to see what happens this weekend.

interesting that using my pentax V digital spot and Velvia 50 I always had to reduce the EV by -1

Another tip I think from the forum with portra was measure the shadows where I want details, stick the setting at -2.5EV and the rest is managed by the film.

Anyone else got tips for an old time Digital boy gone back ??

I am hoping to give Joe Cornish, Mark Waite, David Noton, Mark Denton a run for their money !!! Well here's to aspirations.

Interestingly I purchased the camera to go to Africa on a project so might be asking a few film preserve tips and things to buy in the coming weeks.

Thanks to everyone who advised me into Film, special thanks to David Rees for being particularly patient with my tech swings.

Alas I hope to contribute my experiences and not just ask questions. Thanks to all

Ivan J. Eberle
14-Nov-2011, 11:24
Roll the clock forward 5 years and buy some Astia 100F before you can't find it anymore.
Velvia 50 can be a very tough emulsion to shoot accurately enough when you can't control the range and ratios of the light. And it's going to be more unforgiving about center filters and ND grads.
I think you're on the right track by also shooting print film emulsions, but do try Ektar 100 as well. I find it's got that vintage Kodachrome 25 sunny-day look.

14-Nov-2011, 12:20
I hope it is consider large format, given the world is miniaturising and digital sensors getting smaller I hope a 617 negative is now considered Large !!

In which case, today I found a great deal on a Fuji GX617...

Alas, while the 6x17 negative is large, the definition of large format for the purposes of this forum refers to large format cameras (ie sheet film and movements) and not to MF roll film cameras. Exceptions are allowed (sheet film cameras w/o movements, roll film backs on view cameras, press cameras, etc), however no exception has been granted to roll film only cameras of the 6x12 or 6x17 size. A bit arbitrary, but that is how this place rolls.

Images from roll-film cameras can be posted in the lounge.


14-Nov-2011, 16:34
Ok no wonder I struggled to find any info.

I will remain a hunter. Ivan thanks for Asia tip.

Eric Rose
14-Nov-2011, 18:07
Heck stick around. This site has lost it's purity along time ago, what with digital discussions etc.

Tim k
14-Nov-2011, 19:24
I just did a search on "6x17" and got over 800 hits.

So, you might find a little something to read here.