View Full Version : Sitte Tischer Mini- Mat S

8-Oct-2011, 20:27
Any of you lab rats remember Sitte Tischer Mini-Mat S dip and dunk machines? We used them for C41 and E6 sheet film processing up to 8x10. They even had a B&W configuration. A nice compact( by D&D standards) machine but you need a complete small room in the dark to run it and it has no drier. I am looking for a source for racks as I only have two and sure enough, one broke. Most labs had the Divomat SL-10 hanger processor which is a tad bit larger at 15 gal tanks. The Mini-Mat uses 2.5 gal tanks which is cheaper to charge with chems. Any leads surely appreciated.:)

27-Jan-2012, 20:18
Silvano is going under and they run one. I'd love to buy the whole machine but hey, I don't even have a job...

Edit: That's not a Mini-Mat, never mind..

12-Mar-2012, 09:15
Hello, I used to work for Tischer Sitta, as a factory Trained tech I built the machines & I know the machines. Please write me kroma dot artazen at gmail send me photos. I have custom built machines in the past

I have rebuilt a B&W roller transport to RA-4 Color... They said it could not be done, but I used a replacement variable speed motor and it took a longer Bleach fix time but it worked and the extra bleach time made the white's whiter.