View Full Version : Fuji Velvia QuickLoad in Europe

Marco Frigerio
28-Mar-2002, 05:55
Hi first of all I'd like to say thank you to everyone who helped me to buy my first LF camera answering to my previous post...well, now I own a Gandolfi Variant 4x 5 and a new Schneider APO Symmar 150 mm. and I'm looking forward to taking my fi rst LF picture...but there's a problem: I bought a QuickLoad film holder because I usually shoot with Velvia in MF but, here in Italy, Fuji decided not to impor t Velvia QuickLoad anymore (well, there's Provia 100 F QuickLoad available, and I think I'm going to buy it, but I want Velvia too...) Please, can somebody tell me where can I found in Europe (it's better if the dea ler has a website) that kind of film at a reasonable price? (I was told that Ger many is the place to buy cheap Fuji film...) Thank you Ciao Marco

Daniel luu Van Lang
28-Mar-2002, 06:14
Hi, You can purchase that film at Prophot shop in Paris, their website is: http://www.prophot.com best regards

Jimmy Peguet
28-Mar-2002, 06:49
Always in Paris, France, try http://www.dbphoto.fr (go "Tarif" and then "films")

They have Velvia Quickload. But I don't know if you can order via Internet.

30-Mar-2002, 13:09
I'm wondering if Kodak single sheet T-max readyloads are also available in Paris.

Paul mapstone
31-Mar-2002, 05:53
Hello I belive you can get Velvia Quickload from Calumet in Germany.www.calumet.de But I believe it can only be ordered. My last quickload film was bought from www.gmfoto.de again I had to wait for the order to come through. Maybe Paris is not such a bad deal especially if they have it in stock. regards paul mapstone

Bob bFrancis
31-Mar-2002, 17:21
Hi Marco - in England, http://www.silverprint.co.uk/colf3.html have it.


Bob bFrancis
31-Mar-2002, 17:32
Sorry - I was misled by a search engine - no quickloads....


Marco Frigerio
1-Apr-2002, 07:20
Thanks to all of you...I'm going to try to contact both Paris and Germany and see what happens...it seems that Calumetphoto in UK has velvia QuickLoad too (55 GBP plus VAT)...