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View Full Version : New member from Brazil

Leonardo Ralves
25-Aug-2011, 13:41
Hello all,

I´m starting in the world of large format photography (recently I bought one SINAR-P camera). My experience is from 35mm and medium format film photography. So, large format is the next step. I hope learn and contribute a lot to this amazing forum.

Leonardo Ralves

SW Rick
25-Aug-2011, 14:22
Welcome, Leonardo! This is a great place to learn and share knowledge.


Wayne Crider
25-Aug-2011, 17:35
Welcome aboard. Hows your film availability down there btw?

Renato Tonelli
26-Aug-2011, 07:32
Welcome and happy shooting!

Leonardo Ralves
26-Aug-2011, 07:43
Thanks Rick!

Leonardo Ralves
26-Aug-2011, 07:47
Welcome aboard. Hows your film availability down there btw?

Thanks Wayne! Usually I buy film through sites like BHphotovideo and some stores at Ebay... It´s very hard (and expensive) to find 4x5 sheets here in Brazil.

Leonardo Ralves
26-Aug-2011, 07:48
Welcome and happy shooting!

Thanks Renato!

Helcio J Tagliolatto
26-Aug-2011, 13:41
Welcome aboard, Leonardo. LF in Brazil has been expensive and rare since Hercules Florence's times :)

Alan Gales
26-Aug-2011, 16:03
Great camera! Welcome to the club, Leonardo.


Denise Dognini
13-Sep-2011, 14:34
Hi, Leo!

Welcome, my friend!