View Full Version : 2011 1st Annual Phil Davis Memorial Photo Retreat

16-Aug-2011, 10:53
To all Large Format Photographers doing BTZS:

The 2011 First Annual Phil Davis BTZS Memorial Photo Retreat is open to all BTZS photographers.

The location is Death Valley.

This photo retreat is designed to remember our friend and mentor Phil Davis.

Don't forget your incident meter – Phil loved his incident system.

Tuition-free registration is required. The other requirement for attending is a check for $100 made out to the “American Cancer Society”. The retreat is also a charity fund raiser. This is not a workshop and there are no fees.

The photo retreat dates are: Tuesday 12/6/2011 to Tuesday 12/13/2011. We will meet for dinner on the first night 12/6 and go over the schedule for the week. The retreat will end on 12/13. This will give us six days of photographing.

We will be photographing at a different location each morning and afternoon. We will also be doing night photography. Phil loved photographing at night and at all the BTZS workshops we always photographed at night.

The shooting itinerary will include breathtaking locations such as Dantes View, Zabriskie Point, Twenty Mule Team Canyon, Rhyolite, Titus Canyon, Artist Drive, and Badwater.

If you haven't done BTZS film testing now is the time to do it, so that I can help you with metering and using the expo/dev software for your exposures. We will be concentrating on incident metering and using the expo/dev software, so you can get the best possible exposures.

Since this is not a workshop, you can attend for as many days as you can. Just let me know what days you will be attending, when you register.

We will be staying at the Amargosa Opera House and Hotel. There are a limited number of rooms available and that will determine the number of attendies.


Lodging, meals and transportation are not included.

Laura Campbell will be our guide for the photo retreat. You can see her photographs of Death Valley on her blog: http://lauracampbellfineart.com/blog/

If you are interested in attending, please get in touch with me to register for the photo retreat: Fred Newman at 480-767-7105 or fred@viewcamerastore.com.

Fred Newman

16-Aug-2011, 16:59
Even for those not really familiar with BTZS this could be a great opportunity to see others work with such an amazing system and support a worthy cause. Fred I know the gathering will be a total success and commend you and all involved for the initiative.

17-Aug-2011, 21:34
Hi Steve - Wish you could join us. Fred

Helcio J Tagliolatto
18-Aug-2011, 08:03
I owe a debit of gratitude to Phil Davis and his teaching, even I have never met him.

18-Aug-2011, 08:54
Hi Helcio

Thank you for the kind words about Phil. I was very fortunate to get to know Phil and do workshops with him. His two great loves were teaching and sensitometry.

Every workshop we photographed at night. He really liked night photography, that's why we are going to do a lot of night photography at the retreat.

If you have seen the D-Max newsletter in Volume 9, Issue 4 Phil did an article on how he test a number of films for reciprocity.

Is there any way you could join us?


Helcio J Tagliolatto
18-Aug-2011, 17:48
Hi Fred,

Current large format photography also owes much to you.
I really appreciate your invitation, but I am unable to travel this year, unless I had planned earlier.
Next year I'll retire and then I will be attending.
Thank You.


5-Oct-2011, 15:13
Just a reminder that the Phil Davis Memorial Photo Retreat is a short two months away. Please call Fred Newman at 480-767-7105 or email fred@viewcamerastore.com to register for the photo retreat. You must register in advance and reserve a space to participate in the photo retreat. You can also contact Laura Campbell with questions about our itinerary, and photographing in Death Valley at 760-267-3840 or eyelovefilm@gmail.com. This retreat will provide an incredible opportunity to experience Death Valley's natural beauty with other photographers in a supportive environment. Hope to see you there!

Michael Jones
5-Oct-2011, 18:25
...in a supportive environment.

That was one of Phil's finest traits. Fred has carried it on well.
