View Full Version : Converting a Toyo 810g rearstandard to 7x17

28-Jul-2011, 11:39
i'm interested in getting into 7x17 format, is it possible some how to modify my 8x10 rear standard to 7x17?
i read Mr. Ritter does this kind of thing where you would get the bellows and the bellow frames and send to him so he makes the rear and mounts on the standard, so i wanted to know how economical and if it's still possible a-tall.
I'll be very thankful for tips and pointers in the right directions

Richard Wasserman
28-Jul-2011, 12:24
If it can be done, I'm sure Richard Ritter can take care of the entire job. Why don't you ask him? http://www.lg4mat.net/

28-Jul-2011, 13:00
Thanks Richard,
i just wanted to find out more and maybe get other peoples opinions, since i live in Europe, shipping is going to be a bulge in the budget amongst other things,
maybe if there was any other options i could take that would spare me a few hundred euros would be much appreciated

Lachlan 717
28-Jul-2011, 13:13
Have you had a look at Kerry's conversion that's in the For Sale section (http://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/showthread.php?t=77394&highlight=7x17)?

Might give you ideas, or even a buying option.