View Full Version : Jobo 4x5 Reels

Roger Thoms
22-Jun-2011, 13:08
I would like to be able to process 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 sleet film in my Jobo 2521 tank. I'm thinking of dedicating a reel for this propose by gluing it in the proper position for 3x4 film. Does anyone know off hand what type of glue I should use on the reel? Or what kind of plastic the reels are made of?


22-Jun-2011, 13:26
Pliobond has worked well for me for a hundred things; if it's waterproof, I would suggest you try it.

Roger Thoms
22-Jun-2011, 13:49
Ari, I'll keep the Pliobond in mind if I don't find the proper glue.

The reels them selves are glued to the center cores with some type of clear plastic glue. What I'm hoping to find out is what type of glue that is. Maybe it's the same glue I used for plastic model when I was a kid.


Greg Blank
22-Jun-2011, 14:04
If its clear it would most likely be Isarplast. That was sold by Jobo for plastic to plastic binding. Its part JP16019, $15.84 recommended retail.

Ari, I'll keep the Pliobond in mind if I don't find the proper glue.

The reels them selves are glued to the center cores with some type of clear plastic glue. What I'm hoping to find out is what type of glue that is. Maybe it's the same glue I used for plastic model when I was a kid.


Roger Thoms
23-Jun-2011, 10:20
If its clear it would most likely be Isarplast. That was sold by Jobo for plastic to plastic binding. Its part JP16019, $15.84 recommended retail.

Thanks Greg, any suggestions on were I can order this?

I can find it in Germany no problem, but can't find anything in the US. I searched both for Isarplast and the Jobo part #.


Greg Blank
23-Jun-2011, 18:18
I can get it for you.

Thanks Greg, any suggestions on were I can order this?

I can find it in Germany no problem, but can't find anything in the US. I searched both for Isarplast and the Jobo part #.


23-Jun-2011, 19:08
I would like to be able to process 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 sleet film in my Jobo 2521 tank. I'm thinking of dedicating a reel for this propose by gluing it in the proper position for 3x4 film. Does anyone know off hand what type of glue I should use on the reel? Or what kind of plastic the reels are made of?


Are your talking about the 2509 reels?
If so, I would go the nife route instead of glue. Carving the core is not that hard.

23-Jun-2011, 19:09
Any good epoxy would work. I bought a few tubes form a hobby supply store. The only difference in them is the set up time. All the chemicals evaporate so they can be used almost anywhere. Used it to repair my jobo lift.

28-Jun-2011, 11:30
Epoxy. Works on boats below the waterline.