View Full Version : Super-Angulon 47 XL on Technikardan

J Maxwell
15-Jun-2011, 11:11
Does anyone know whether the Super-Angulon 47mm XL requires a recessed lensboard for use with the Linhof Technikardan? And if so, how many mm? Thanks!

Glenn LeBlanc
15-Jun-2011, 12:36
When I used it with the wide-angle bellows and a flat board and wanted to use a
little shift, the standards pinched the bellows, and I had to tug the
bellows upward. I think any amount of recess in the board would
eliminate the problem; certainly 10mm would.

J Maxwell
15-Jun-2011, 12:47
Thanks a million! That's very helpful :)

Bob Salomon
15-Jun-2011, 13:34
The factory recommended board for the TK45/45S with this lens is the 001015 Comfort recessed boad. This board is a 12mm recessed board.
For the TK23 series the proper board is the 001147.

Nathan Potter
15-Jun-2011, 13:46
As Bob says, and you want to use it with the bag bellows. Even then this is a bit tricky with any significant movements. But at small apertures you will hardly need swing and tilt. Use a tilting loupe though.

Nate Potter, Austin TX.

J Maxwell
17-Jun-2011, 00:30
Thanks again for the very informative answers. The TK is a great camera, especially with the wa bellows, and I'm looking forward to trying out this lens.

Don Dudenbostel
17-Jun-2011, 19:26
I use a 47xl on my Technikardan 23 with a shallow recessed board and WA bellows with no problem. I also use a 35mm Apo Grandagon (sinaron digital) with a deep recessed board with no problem. I'm using them with a digital back and viewing the 39mp file at 100% I'm totally knocked out at the performance.

J Maxwell
18-Jun-2011, 16:07
Do you notice a big difference between capture methods? And what about differences in the lenses themselves? Do you have a web site with images up? And thanks for the info!:)