View Full Version : Zone VI Type 1 Enlarger for 5x7?

Harlan Chapman
20-May-2011, 20:39
I've seen a number of threads on how the Zone VI type 1 "doesn't cover 5x7".
Having just completed a deal (yes, I should have done more homework first) to buy one of these units to print primarily 5x7" negatives I'd like some advice.
Is it really that bad for 5x7"?
If so, is there a way to modify the unit or put a different head on it to make 5x7" coverage even?
Or should I chalk this up to experience and plan to just move on to a different enlarger altogether?
Thank you all in advance,

Daniel Stone
20-May-2011, 21:01
get one of these :)

Zone VI 5x7 enlarger




Michael Clark
21-May-2011, 00:47
I have a zone IV mod 1.The light source falls off alot on 5x7 negs and a 210 lens does not focus due to the bellows being to sort,thought about modifying it until I got a good deal for a Durst 138 5x7 enlarger at a quarter of the price thats showing on the crags list Daniel is showing.


21-May-2011, 17:36
get one of these :)

Zone VI 5x7 enlarger




Isn't this a Type I? I don't see how this addresses the OP's question, even with smiley face.

I don't know first-hand about the Type I (and the above seems radically overpriced, for a Type I), but I can confirm that the Type II, easily identified by its 2 headposts, works fine for everything from 35mm to 5X7. I use both a Schneider 180mm and Rodenstock 210mm successfully on 5X7. The Durst is also a fine instrument – actually much better, if you can source one inexpensively.

Michael Clark
21-May-2011, 20:27
The model 1 is a great enlarger but just works up to 4x5,mod two they changed some stuff for 5x7 use.I got a bigger camera and so had to get a bigger enlarger.
Harlan,there are some people that have modified the model 1 ,but you have to change the light source to a larger one too.It got a little to involved for me so I toke advantage of a deal on Craig s list for the Durst.

neil poulsen
22-May-2011, 10:28
The original Type 1 does not cover 5x7, as Michael points out. The other problem is that, even with the compensating enlarging timer, the light source can be inconsistent, unless one uses split printing and prints the blue and green colors consecutively and not together at the same time.

When Calumet bought Zone VI from Fred Picker, they developed the Type II to resolve both these issues. They enlarged the head to adequately cover 5x7, and they installed two sensors so that the blue could be controlled separately from the green, and thereby achieve improved consistency. They lengthened the bellows and made a larger lens stage so that the enlarger could fit larger lenses. Plus, they developed a viable 8x10 head and adapter for the Type II.

For those with Type I enlargers, Calumet developed a head with a larger light source that could fit the Type I. (Type II 5x7 heads do not fit Type I enlargers.) If one had the receipt to prove that they were an original owner, they could get a substantial discount. Otherwise, one had to pay full price. Calumet sold the last one of these special heads over a year ago.

Harlan Chapman
22-May-2011, 18:04
Thank you for your helpful replies.
Looks like the type 1 isn't the proper tool for printing 5x7 negatives.