View Full Version : Slosher is back $65

4-May-2011, 04:09

10-May-2011, 21:34
can you elucidate a bit?

11-May-2011, 05:39
can you elucidate a bit?


David R Munson
11-May-2011, 06:51
You might consider updating the web page, as it lists the price at $45.

11-May-2011, 06:52
Those work well. Glad to see he brought it back. The design is different than the old one in that he replaced the center "wall" of acrylic with the posts. The price is listed as $45.

Bob Darby
12-Jun-2012, 20:15
I just into this forum tonight & found the above messages.

It is not my intent to advertise on this forum only to clarify the above posts. To clarify I have been making sloshers for John Sexton for about 20 years. This is not the P.F. or summatek. The design I use was developed by John Sexton. I charge $65.00 + actual shipping which runs $12-$17 I am going to try to attach a photo.

Michael Clark
13-Jun-2012, 16:47
I attended one of John Sextons work shops lately, and he showed us how he uses it. Pretty simple to use, did not know you were still making them? Like to try one out.


13-Jun-2012, 17:49
Seeing is believing. Videos would be better than photos!

Bob Farr
13-Jun-2012, 18:18
Do you make them for 5x7?

Jess C
15-Jun-2012, 09:36
I have been using a Sexton designed Slosher since the early 90's and I think it is a great tool for processing 4x5 sheet film. I used it yesterday to process 24 sheets and it does its job extremely well for me.

Brian Ellis
15-Jun-2012, 09:48
If I switch to the Slosher will my prints look just like John's?

15-Jun-2012, 09:53
Do you make them for 5x7?

That would be nice - I'll second the request.

15-Jun-2012, 09:54
I thought John Sexton used a Jobo.


Gudmundur Ingolfsson
15-Jun-2012, 10:08
Weegee the great was promoting some product once (I think is was flashbulbs) and his saying would go for Sexton and JOBO ; I endorse this product but I don't necessarily use it.

Michael Clark
15-Jun-2012, 22:42
If I switch to the Slosher will my prints look just like John's?
Take his work shop and may be they will. Sexton has a Jobo in his darkroom but also has trays, don't think he is tied down to any particular method of film development but did say he was happy with the results.

29-Nov-2012, 19:58
Here's the 3rd request for a 5x7 slosher.

C. D. Keth
29-Nov-2012, 20:18
You might consider updating the web page, as it lists the price at $45.

It also says, "If you’re a medium or large format photographer you probably already have a Polaroid® film back to evaluate lighting ratios, exposure, filter effects and composition."

David Karp
30-Nov-2012, 21:22
I believe Mr. Sexton uses the slosher for compensating development with minimal agitation in dilute developer.

1-Dec-2012, 01:58
I have been using a Sexton designed Slosher since the early 90's and I think it is a great tool for processing 4x5 sheet film. I used it yesterday to process 24 sheets and it does its job extremely well for me.

whoo great news mine is intrested to buy it

Dan Henderson
1-Dec-2012, 17:21
I was a proponent of Yankee tanks until I started noticing uneven development in sky areas while working on a project. Tried every agitation variation suggested here and on other forums. Even tried holding my tongue a certain way while developing. Finally gave in and bought one of the (I think) older versions of this slosher from the Formulary. Worked out a random, gentle agitation scheme and have perfectly even skies.

Les Rudnick
1-Dec-2012, 17:25
And another request for 5x7.