View Full Version : ESECO COMPUCOLOR DLS C head Pro-45 on a Devere 504 w/ ZBE

21-Apr-2011, 00:06
I have some questions for anyone here that may of had, or still has a ESECO Compucolor DLS C & pro 45 Color head. And may be able to answer some questions about cleaning the automatic filter system.

I have the head on my De Vere 504 Floor model enlarger, it also has the ZBE AF unit, it uses a cable system to raise or lower the table. It is nice of you want to do lots of prints. You can save a setup, store a preset and recall it to make the same prints again without having to do all the set up again a real time saver if you sell prints and dont want to make a huge batch of something that may or may not sell. A bit off topic just trying to explain what I have

When I was inspecting the Color Head I pulled the 4x5 mixing chamber and noticed some dust on the surface of the outer filter. It looks like it is glass, I just dont want to damage it or scratch it.

Have any of you cleaned these filters before. I love the enlarger, I think it is the ultimate 4x5 enlarger. When I starting doing anything bigger I may convert to digital via a scanner. 4x5 is challenge enough, but I love it for my 6x6 and 645 stuff I do have chambers and masks for 6x7 and 6x9 I just dont have film or camera that capture in those sizes. I use it for 6x6, 645 and 4"x5"

I do plan on calling ESECO to find find the most correct way to clean the filters. (btw air did not move any dust, I used the rocket blower and it didn't move. I was afraid to try a brush of any sort until I ask for some advice.

I hope some of you have dealt with this and tell me an affordable way to deal with this, AKf

23-Apr-2011, 07:03
I'm not sure what the "outer filter" is in that system. If you mean the diffuser panel on the bottom of the mixing chamber, I have cleaned these by removing the diffuser and cleaning with soap and water. I'm pretty fastidious about this as any imperfections here can show in the prints. All the surfaces higher, or closer to the light than that panel won't affect the image. So, unless they are so dusty, dirty or moldy that they are cutting down significant light output cleaning them won't have any effect.

23-Apr-2011, 21:35
N it is the filter set right at the light, All of my mixing chambers are Minty, Perfect. I saw dust specks on the actual colored glass looking filters. They are motorized and automatically adjust based on the analyzed info from the probe.

Example, place the probe on a skin tone where the actual print is being projected on your set up paper/easel and press analyze. The main light comes on and measures the light falling on the probe, it makes adjustments to the filters and exposure time. It automatically sets everything.

Mine will even auto focus. One must first use the Focus Set Up Film to dial it in, but it works beautifully.

Say I make a print and I love everything. I can save everything in memory or print the setup and store it with the negative. So if I ever need to make more prints from a negative, all I have to do is recall it from the memory or type in the parameters, simple.

I have printed 35mm and 645 B&W and Color with expired paper, I had great success with B&W Color still needs some fine tuning.

Now I venture into 4x5 and some big prints, I am still gathering items I need. I need a large print washer, I think I am going to build one just for the experience of having done it.

I have my tanks or 4x5 and some hangers. JOBO is a nice system ans some tubes systems I have seen, however I have the Yankee tanks already

I think I will give them a try before I invest into another system.

24-Apr-2011, 08:12
You have a nice setup. If you were to break a filter, a replacement would be costly. The only times I have cleaned dichroic filters is if I have a head opened up and all apart to repair some other problem. Even then I think twice of the risk of breaking one of them.

24-Apr-2011, 11:17
I assumed as much, I know the computer will compensate exposure for the amount of light and colors falling on the little sensor. Do instead of being so anal, maybe I should just try and forget about the dust and when it is a problem then fix it. However I have read where dust will burn in on a glass filter from the heat of the quartz bulb.