View Full Version : Thorium Toner

Mustafa Umut Sarac
15-Apr-2011, 23:02
Hello ,

I want to play with uranium toners but I have doubts to obtain the powder nor able to pay the price.

I saw at APUG , someone was suggesting to create it from rock minerals.

Well I dont know where can I find uranium rich rock at Turkey but % 80 of Thorium of the World is here.

I want to learn if there is a thing like thorium toner and a gallery with examples

And another need of course is the website to extract this processed powder from rock.

Thank you ,

Mustafa Umut Sarac


Ole Tjugen
16-Apr-2011, 10:00
Mustafa, I do not think Thorium shows much promise for toning. Most Thorium compounds are white, which makes for rather boring pictures!

Drew Wiley
16-Apr-2011, 10:11
These kinds of things aren't good to inhale! I wouldn't go around smashing ore myself, if I could acquire it! Prepared solutions of thorium nitrate etc are very
expensive at the moment.

16-Apr-2011, 10:12
Please post anything you discover. I have a kind of sick fascination with the various "bad idea" toners ... uranium, mercuric chloride, etc...

Thorium's a new one for me. The dumbest one I've actually used is thiocarbamide / thiorea. And it's not even radioactive ... just a boring old chemical carcinogen. Luckily I didn't like the way it looked.

Drew Bedo
17-Apr-2011, 19:34
I would stay away from these minerals. They are toxic when inhaled and both are RADIOACTIVE.

18-Apr-2011, 00:12
thiocarbamide / thiorea. And it's not even radioactive ... just a boring old chemical carcinogen.

... in the lowest possible EU carcinogenic rating - i.e. it may be carcinogenic, but that assumption is based upon anecdotal evidence, not tests or statistics. When concerning a household chemical produced by the shipload for more than a century, the risk is arguably low...