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View Full Version : Kodak orthoplate PFO —Tec Info, Procession?

Drew Bedo
7-Apr-2011, 17:54
I have an oppertunity to get a box of Kodak Orthoplate PFO in 8x10 for a good price.

anybody know where I can find any processing info on this product?

Drew Bedo
14-Apr-2011, 07:09
These are pre-coated glass plates from Kodak: "Orthoplate PFO". I have an oppertunity to get a few dozen 8x10 plates in factory sealed boxes from what might have been the last production in 2009.

Does anyone have any tech info on developing these plates?

14-Apr-2011, 07:40
If they are factory-sealed, they should come with an included info sheet. Have you tried contacting Kodak? Good luck. Sounds like a risk worth the fun and potential.