View Full Version : spots on my shots

David Solow
2-Apr-2011, 13:55
Please look at these shots. I shot them on a used Sinar P2 with a 210mm f/5.6 Apo-Sironar-S I just bought. I shot Fuji FP-100C45 instant film in a Fuji PA-45 holder. My first pack of film that I shot a couple of days ago looked fine. Today I'm getting a line of white spots on each shot. Their size and placement change slightly, but they're in every shot. I checked the roller, which appears fine. I've tried three packs of film, each does the same thing. Any ideas?

2-Apr-2011, 14:46
Make sure you're pulling the print film slowly through the holder. Slow and steady.

2-Apr-2011, 15:45
Maybe your holder has a problem. I have never had a problem like that and I just rip them out. Are the rollers smooth?

Brian C. Miller
2-Apr-2011, 17:38
That really looks like the roller picked up something. You may need to clean the rollers with some alcohol.

Daniel Stone
8-Apr-2011, 08:00
the even spacing between the marks makes me think that its something to do with the rollers.

make sure to t rotate the rollers fully, and give them a good wipe down with some Isopropyl alcohol and a cotton ball or paper towel. I've had thing stick to one side, but not show up unless I rotate the rollers to see.


Mike Anderson
9-Apr-2011, 11:40
Gunk on the rollers. The roller assembly easily pops out for cleaning.
