View Full Version : Epson scanner, SilverFast AI producing 2 layers

16-Mar-2011, 12:06
I have an Epson 4870 (new) and am using Silverfast AI (that came with it).
Doesn't matter what I set SF AI to (16 bit gray, 48 bit color, 16-8 bit gray, etc), it always produces an outfile (.TIF) with two layers. MS photo and fax viewer can't even read it and several other programs that I've tried can't. Only Gimp can, and converts everything to 8 bit.
One layer is tiny, the other is full size.
If I pull them into GIMP and delete the small layer, life is good, except I'm left with only and 8bit file.

Any idea(s) on how to make this thing not do that ?
