View Full Version : Saunders 4550 Enlarger to print 5x7?

Kimberly Anderson
28-Feb-2011, 07:25
I have this 4550 that I picked up for a SONG last summer, and I have been wondering about a possible conversion to 5x7 for it.

I realize that it might be a stretch, but I was wondering if it's been done.

I am also looking for an 8x10 enlarger, so maybe my dream of enlarging my 5x7's should wait until I have the larger enlarger. ;)

28-Feb-2011, 07:46
im sure you can fab up a head to fit on the chassis but thats a waste of the wonderful head on the 4550, i dont THINK you can modify the exsting head to fit 5x7 but its been a while since ive looked inside one