View Full Version : 8x10 Enlarger Suggestions

27-Feb-2011, 17:12
Hey everyone, Excuse my lack of knowledge on this subject but my friend is giving me her dads old 8x10 camera and I coincidently just started building my darkroom and I was just wondering what Im getting into with 8x10? Ive seen enlargers go for $8k on ebay but can find anything else on them. Any info you can share on where and how I can come across some good priced enlargers would be awesome! Im located in southern california if that helps with anything?

Oh! Ideally I would like to print some 20x24 or bigger prints :)

thanks everyone!

Brian C. Miller
27-Feb-2011, 18:36
Well, welcome to the forum! What are you getting into? Fun! And lots of it!

Old 8x10 cameras still do a great job making a photograph. You don't really need an enlarger for them, and Edward Weston never used one. There are plenty of labs which have 8x10 enlargers, and labs charge by the size of the enlargement, not the size of the enlarger used for it.

You'll have to keep your eyes peeled for a used enlarger on Craig's List, eBay, or the forum for sale area. You may be able to get an enlarger for free, or for not very much money. They take a lot of space to set up, just in terms of ceiling height. The Elwood, Omega, and Beseler enlargers will all fit into a normal room space. I have a Fotar in storage, as it is 9ft high and my ceiling isn't quite 7ft high.

What camera are you getting? Are you getting a complete setup, i.e., lens and holders, too? The lens will probably need to be serviced. There are a number of shops which do a good job.

27-Feb-2011, 18:45
It may be easier to get a 4x5 reducing back and enlarge those negatives to 20x24 using a 4x5 enlarger. They're much more affordable and available. Then, you can use the 8x10 and just contact print those. I think that's the way to go.

An 8x10 enlarger is a huge (literally) commitment.

Len Middleton
27-Feb-2011, 19:06
Ive seen enlargers go for $8k on ebay but can find anything else on them.

Do not mistaken "listing for" versus "going for", unless you know the transaction took place.

Contact printing is a good start, and as mentioned, a lab should be able to handle your desire / need for going larger in the interim.

And as noted, if the kit includes a reducing back for 4x5, then 4x5 enlarger can be had much more easily. Besides not certain you want ot be printing smaller negatives (35mm, 120 roll film) on an 8x10 enlarger, although you can.

Good luck and good hunting,


27-Feb-2011, 20:20
8K? or $800?? I have seen many in the sub-$1000 range. In fact there is a Saltzman on e-bay in California for $599 buy it now. It has no light source, but there is an 8x10 Omega color head in the for sale section here.

27-Feb-2011, 20:23
Haven't seen this as much lately, but sometimes 8X10 enlargers have been literally given away. Many labs got rid of these a few years ago, giving them, or throwing them out, during the rush to leave the wet darkroom behind.
Craig's list is sometimes a good source for them. I also believe that few people would pay 8k for one of these now, that was a 90's price, my opinion though. Try hard to get a complete one, in working order, as parts and repair can be hard to come by. Since these were always basically pro machines they are generally very built.
They are large, particularly height wise, so if you want to set up for one, make sure you have a good 7' of ceiling height, 8' would be better. Most also have powerful bulbs, anywhere from 1000 to 2000 watts, sometimes at 220v, so you need to have the power to run them.
However, when you get it all right, enlargements from 8X10 are awesome!

27-Feb-2011, 20:46
If someone hears of a lab that is dumping or giving away a light source for a Durst 138 5X7 enlarger let me know, I've never seen this happen.

This smells like an Urban Myth.

I've heard that a lot of car dealerships give used cars away just for the asking. They need the space for the new cars.

Len Middleton
27-Feb-2011, 21:32
If someone hears of a lab that is dumping or giving away a light source for a Durst 138 5X7 enlarger let me know, I've never seen this happen.

Cannot say I have seen it, but it is not unreasonable.

The units would likely be fully depreciated with zero book value. If the used photo equipment buyers / sellers will not give you any money for it (they will have to store it), it reduces your options. You have only much space in your business, and if you have new equipment that will be generating revenue arriving and need a place to put it, well let's make some space...

As I said, I have not seen it, but that does not mean it did not happen at times. You could offer it to the staff (I have heard of that), but if they do not have the space or want it, what then?


28-Feb-2011, 06:47
8x10 Elwoods come up on E-bay quite often and usually go fairly cheap, $200 or so. I have one that I've been using for about 30 years. Using a 180mm Repromaster lens I can get enlargements of over 30"x40" on the baseboard.

William Whitaker
28-Feb-2011, 06:52
...my friend is giving me her dads old 8x10 camera and I coincidently just started building my darkroom and I was just wondering what Im getting into with 8x10?

Oh! Ideally I would like to print some 20x24 or bigger prints...

Making 20x24 prints is not necessarily tied to using an 8x10 camera. As mentioned, 4x5 works just fine and it's cheaper. It's really easy in this business to bite off more than you can chew. I don't want to discourage your enthusiasm, but consider what your goals really are and how best to achieve them. 8x10 is a great format, but sometimes it's best for making 8x10 prints. If you're set on getting an 8x10 enlarger, good deals are still out there. You're in as good a location for that as you'll find. Learn your options, get your money ready, watch Ebay and Craiglist and wait. But in the meantime, finish your darkroom and make some photographs.

28-Feb-2011, 08:47
For a normal sized darkroom, a Beseler MXT or VXL enlarger with the 8x10 conversion works pretty well. Most dedicated 8x10 enlargers are enormous, tall, heavy beasts that often require more space than one would have in a typical darkroom.

I don't believe that 8x10 is always more expensive than 4x5. Most people will shoot much less film than with 4x5 and the whole process is slower. I only use a few lenses for 8x10 but have many for 4x5 and was always looking for the next one.

The 8x10 enlarger is the commitment and the money though. You will have to be patient and/or willing to drive a long way to find what you need. There is a simple knock-off for the Beseler 8x10 conversion out there. If you are handy, you could make that yourself and rig up an 8x10 LED light source. That would be an adventure in itself. The only LED adaptations I have seen are for 4x5.

28-Feb-2011, 19:23
If someone hears of a lab that is dumping or giving away a light source for a Durst 138 5X7 enlarger let me know, I've never seen this happen.


Curt, I can't remember, are you looking for ANY head or a Dichroic head? Here is a Durst 138 condenser head for $85 on eaby.

In terms of the OP, there is a Tabletop 5x7 enlarger $125 (looks like Elwood): http://maine.craigslist.org/pho/2173920855.html

Drew Wiley
28-Feb-2011, 19:31
8X10 enlargers have recently sold anywhere from a hundred grand right down to
absolutely free. You just have to get lucky. Durst are the best, but many older enlargers require a bit of shop skills to refurbish. Light sources are going to affect the price more than anything else. For just black and white work, an oversize cold light is ideal, but finding one with much life left on the lamp is going to be difficult. An often overlooked resource is architectural salvage outlets - when a building containing an old lab is demolished or renovated, this kind of equipment is basically
treated as trash. I've had to turn down free enlargers just because I don't have any
room to store them. But it's a lot easier to find smaller enlargers.

28-Feb-2011, 21:03
No Urban Myth at all, I was there! (Sadly)

When the lab I worked for was going through the transition to fully digital a few fully operational pro grade enlargers literally went to the dumpster. Saddest was a nice Deverre 8X10, in good condition, some of the lenses also to went for trash, believe it. Nearly cried when I saw the Deverre in the garbage.
I then was able to convince the owners to let me try to find homes for the rest of the good stuff, which, for the most part, I did.
Same thing happened at another place, as I was good friends with someone there.
Mostly, this was because they just didn't want to take the time to try to find homes for these cast off's.

John Kasaian
1-Mar-2011, 03:11
I've got an Elwood. Actually I don't just have an Elwood, I have a relationship with it. Elwoods are like that. A Beseler 45 with an 8x10 kit woud be far more convenient, but if I were into convenience I wouldn't be futzing around with an 8x10 camera now would I?

2-Mar-2011, 02:59
Just come to Cleveland and I will give you an 8X10 Elwood!
I'm tired of decorating it for Christmas.


MIke Sherck
2-Mar-2011, 06:39
Just come to Cleveland and I will give you an 8X10 Elwood!
I'm tired of decorating it for Christmas.


I can drive to Cleveland, if it will fit into my darkroom. How tall is this beast and is a darkroom with a 7'-ish ceiling workable for it?


Michael Graves
2-Mar-2011, 06:43
I'm tired of decorating it for Christmas.


I do that every year with a circa 1950 dental office machine that looks like a saguaro cactus (which is actually a tree and not a cactus).

Don Neyhard
4-Mar-2011, 13:20
I have a friend who is selling out his 8x10 stuff which includes a Beseler 8x10 MX enlarger with the Beseler 8x10 head and several negative carriers and lens boards. The Beseler 240mm lens (prefered focal length for this set up) is included in the total enlarger set. If there is some sincere interest I would be happy to put together some pictures and a list of items included, along with his pricing for this kit. The only catch would be that you would need to pick up this total kit in Waco, TX. Actually, there are some teriffic landscapes along the way just waiting for you to capture with your new 8x10. You may PM me if you like or let me know how to contact you. Good luck with your new photographic venture. You are going to love the quality that an 8x10 can generate.

Jim Ewins
4-Mar-2011, 20:54
I have an 8x10 Elwood with a swivel lens. Pick up only, Seattle $300.

alex kaller
10-Mar-2011, 10:17
I have completely functional 8x10 Fotar enlarger with superchromega II head for $800.00 Call me at 9736963100 I am in NJ