View Full Version : Enlarger Lenses

14-Feb-2011, 03:02
Hello All,

I recent purchased a darkroom set, came with more than I needed/wanted. I am doing small/medium format B&W printing with 35mm negatives and I had some questions about lenses that came with the kit.

At school we only use the 50mm to do 8x10 prints so I am not familiar with the other lenses and what their capabilities are. Should I keep any of the following considering I prolly will only shoot 35mm and do 5x7, 8x10, and possible 11x14 prints. I am using a Beseler 23c ii. Also does anyone have a price range that these things are going for nowadays?

Schneider Componon-S 5.6/100mm
Nikon El-Nikkor 5.6/80mm
Komura Komuranon-E 5.6/75mm
Schneider Componon 5.6/60mm

Any info would be great! Thanks!

Vlad Soare
14-Feb-2011, 03:25
If you only shoot 35mm, you won't need anything longer than the 60mm Componon.
However, if I were you I'd also keep the El-Nikkor and the Componon-S, just in case I change my mind and decide to shoot medium format in the future. The 80mm is for 6x6, and the 100mm for 6x7 and 6x9. They're both great lenses. Sell them only if you're absolutely sure you'll never shoot medium format (which would be a pity, in my opinion :)). Or you could sell just the 80mm, and keep the 100mm for all medium format work (though very big enlargements out of 645 might be difficult).
I think the Komuranon is redundant.

Len Middleton
14-Feb-2011, 04:19

The other aspect that Vlad did not mention, is that there are few individuals (and yes they are individuals!!) doing wet darkroom work relative to before. And that kit that you bought might have cost over a $1,000 used 10 to 15 years ago, and today one can pick up equipment much cheaper, including in some cases just for the effort of hauling it away. So you might not get very much for those excellent lenses (Componon's and El Nikkor), versus the difficulty in finding replacements should you need them.

I second Vlad's advice...

Hope that helps,
