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6-Feb-2011, 07:43
It’s the first time that in the years I’m confused about the right “direction”.
I’ve bought a Canon EOS 5D Mark II and an adaptor to use it on my Chamonix 4x5, but I can’t focus the subject also with the bag bellow.
If I buy this adaptor http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Linhof-digi-adapter-Hasselblad-V-001693-Phase-One-/370480113286?pt=UK_Photography_DigitalCamAccess_RL&hash=item564255e686 and a digital back (I want spend for it no more than 1000 $) can I solve my problem ?
There is another adaptor better than the one of the link above ?
Thare are other solutions ?
Please help me.



Bob Salomon
6-Feb-2011, 07:49
Where will you find a V back + an adapter for less then $1000.00? And does your 45 camera have a Graflock back or a Graphic back?

Jim Michael
6-Feb-2011, 08:36
What focal length lens are you working with? From your description it sounds like you are having difficulty getting the camera sensor close enough to the lens to achieve focus. Perhaps using a lens with a longer focal length would solve your problem.

6-Feb-2011, 21:44
I use wide angle lens, e.g. 90 mm (4x5) for architecture pictures.
Bob, on ebay I found some Phase one H5 and H10 for 1000 $.

7-Feb-2011, 00:56
Hi Gianluca, if you buy one of those backs remember that they do not have live view and as such you will need a sliding adapter with a ground glass, or you will have to remove the back and replace it with your GG for framing and focusing.



7-Feb-2011, 01:51
Tomorrow i hope i will get my new Large Format camera, i bought an EOS adapter with it, so i will give it a try and see or let you know.

7-Feb-2011, 06:09
I use wide angle lens, e.g. 90 mm (4x5) for architecture pictures.
Bob, on ebay I found some Phase one H5 and H10 for 1000 $.

Notice that the adapter you linked to is only for V-series digital backs, you can't mount a H5 or H10 using that.

Those old H5 and H10 backs are not medium format, they have sensors the same size as 135-format film. If you use your 90mm lens, it will be just like using a 90mm lens on your Canon except you get movements. You could buy used Canon tilt-shift lenses for less than 1000$ used, which would let you go much wider (24mm, 45mm).

Noah A
7-Feb-2011, 06:45
Maybe you should take a step back and tell us why you want to shoot small-format digital on a 4x5 view camera?

It seems like a very cumbersome and complicated solution. The lenses you'll be using are intended for 4x5 or perhaps rollfilm but not for such small sensors. You'd almost definitely get better results using canon regular or tilt/shift lens if you need the movements. Besides issues of image quality, don't forget that your 90mm lens will no longer be a wideangle lens, with a 35mm-size sensor it will be like using a short tele on your canon.

The old Phase One H backs are for Hasselblad V cameras so they should work with that adaptor. But they operate tethered. The H20 and H25 are still decent backs if you don't mind being tethered.

As Engl said, the H5 and H10 have 35mm-sized chips, so you can pretty much forget about wideangle lenses with a view camera setup and 4x5 lenses.

To do this right, at the absolute minimum you'd need to increase your budget by an order of magnitude.

A canon 24mm t/s lens would give you something similar to your 90mm on 4x5, and it will be sharp, portable and easy to use.

7-Feb-2011, 20:43
Notice that the adapter you linked to is only for V-series digital backs, you can't mount a H5 or H10 using that.

Those old H5 and H10 backs are not medium format, they have sensors the same size as 135-format film. If you use your 90mm lens, it will be just like using a 90mm lens on your Canon except you get movements. You could buy used Canon tilt-shift lenses for less than 1000$ used, which would let you go much wider (24mm, 45mm).

There are two 24 mm Canon tilt shift lens, the one and the two (marked II).
What is the difference ?
Where I can find an used lens like this less than 1000 $ ?
Ebay or there are other web site ?

Noah A, in consideration of the cost of a scanning back or a medium format digital back one solutions that I found is the Horseman LD or Cambo X2 PRO, both use a Canon EOS 5D Mark II.
Less expensive of this two system is the adapter that I've bought.

Thank you