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View Full Version : 8x10 RVP (Fuji Velvia 50)

Sanjay Sen
31-Jan-2011, 00:29

Does anyone know what's going on with Velvia 50 in 8x10? I cannot seem to find it anywhere. I checked online at B&H, Adorama, MPEX, Badger Graphic, Glazer's, Freestyle and View Camera store, and none of them have any.

Does anyone have any information on this?


Daniel Stone
31-Jan-2011, 00:30
I'm wondering the same thing myself.

astia too!


Jim Becia
31-Jan-2011, 07:11
Last time I talked with Jeff, I think he mentioned that they were in the transition over to the 20 sheet boxes. If you need some quickly, you can check with Hunts Photo in MA or on ebay. They currently have some short dated Velvia (08/2011) for about $75 a box. I have used some of this film and it is fine. Once the 20 sheet boxes start arriving, I would guess from the prices of the other films, that Velvia should be about $165 for a box of 20 making the Hunt's deal just an ok deal. But I guess they and a couple of other ebay sellers seem to be the only game in town at the moment when it comes to 8x10 Velvia 50. Hope this helps. Jim

31-Jan-2011, 08:28

Does anyone know what's going on with Velvia 50 in 8x10? I cannot seem to find it anywhere. I checked online at B&H, Adorama, MPEX, Badger Graphic, Glazer's, Freestyle and View Camera store, and none of them have any.

Does anyone have any information on this?



Daniel Stone
31-Jan-2011, 09:32

hold the horses!

their prices are close to DOUBLE what B+H or the other guys here in the US charge? Geesh!

~$424 for 20 sheets of Astia 8x10? Ouch man!

nothing against you charlie, but boy, high prices!!!


Sanjay Sen
31-Jan-2011, 09:47
Jim, thanks for the info. I am not in a hurry, so I can wait until Jeff has it back in stock.

FWIW, I checked Japan Exposures before posting, and I'm not interested in paying $423.90 + shipping from Japan for 20 sheets. I don't want it that bad. :)

31-Jan-2011, 10:20
I'm not Charlie, but I do know that's a good place to start for Fuji film options outside the US. It's good you can wait until things get sorted out locally. Oh, and those prices you see are BEFORE shipping is added. Welcome to the "Dollar vs Yen buyer's nightmare".
Best of luck.

Daniel Stone
31-Jan-2011, 14:18
sorry chris,

got you mixed up with someone else ;).


Dirk Rösler
31-Jan-2011, 14:47
Welcome to the "Dollar vs Yen buyer's nightmare".

Welcome to the $ vs ¥ seller's nightmare! You know why Japanese goods (including cameras) are starting to rise in price elsewhere.

Reversal film has always been more expensive in Japan to start with, this currency situation exacerbates it.

But, on the positive side, it is readily available :D