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View Full Version : Bellows for Horseman 45FA

29-Jan-2011, 08:43

I´m from Argentina (Sudamerica). I have a Horseman 45FA camera and the bellows is in bad condition.

I want to replace the bellows. I will be in New York City since March 8 until March 18.

I need to find some place to help me with this.

I found this place http://www.ecbuystore.com/ They have somes bellows for my camera. Do you know about this place????

If somebody have a good place in New York to replace my bellows I will appreciate.

Thanks a lot,

Buenos Aires

29-Jan-2011, 11:21
http://www.khbphotografix.com/ has (or had) Horseman replacement parts. I got some from them a while back. Be prepared to pay $$.

There are Chinese Horseman bellows on e-bay from time to time. I don't know if they have the same fine folds as the original FA bellows, though. http://cgi.ebay.com/New-Bellows-Horseman-45FA-4x5-Large-Format-Camera-/280612572787?pt=Film_Cameras&hash=item4155d00e73

El Topo
29-Jan-2011, 17:33
Hi, I have a Horseman 45FA just came back from NYC a couple of weeks ago. While I was there I took one of my lenses for a CLA to a place called Panorama (recommendation from a guy working at Adorama), and was very pleased with the work and price. I have no idea whether they repair/change bellows or not, but I guess it's worth trying.

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