View Full Version : Wonderful old catalogs

15-Jan-2011, 17:06
Larry Pierce, who runs the indispensable site Field Cameras of the United States: 1879-1930 (http://www.piercevaubel.com/cam/index.htm) has started scanning some of his old photographic supply catalogs and putting them up on his site. The hi-res scans make these catalogs (http://www.piercevaubel.com/cam/catalogs.htm)a valuable resource. Larry has also upped the resolution of the images on the rest of his site, which makes it much easier to examine camera details. If you haven't checked out the site lately (or at all) and love old cameras--it's worth a visit.

Jim Galli
16-Jan-2011, 00:56
Way Cool! Thanks. the first one that comes up is Walzl's. I have a gigantic Walzl lens upstairs and have never found much of anything on the web. I knew he was a big retail house in Baltimore, but that was it. It'll be fun to look at this stuff.

Pete Watkins
16-Jan-2011, 02:11
Thanks for the links but does anybody know why there is so little information on Ansco cameras. Not Agfa -Ansco. I've got a late built Ansco (stamped 1926 on the base) and there is very little information about the company during the 1907-1926 period available. I've had new RED bellows made for it and it now takes B&J sized lens boards but apart from that it's original.
Best wishes,