View Full Version : Hello from Music City

10-Jan-2011, 08:32
Well guys,

I've been lurking around for the past few months, recently got verbally (textually?) abused here on the For Sale board because I asking for a price, but I'll let that slide. I figured it was just some old geezers with nothing better to do.

With that said, I am a photo student here in Nashville. Do a lot of fine art photo documentary work (think Renaldi, Soth, Frank, and all those big guys). I shoot a Speed Graphic with a Schneider 150 on in. I also do a fair about of medium format either with my Mamiya C330, or a Fuji 6x7 rangefinder I've got (this was also the camera causing the ruckus on the B&S board, those bastards). I do a little digital work, I'm looking to improve my work-flow with digitizing my negatives. I just recently started messing around with ICE and seeing what that can do to take out some of the impurities in my scans so we'll see where that goes.

Let's see... other than that... I just got married, just got a dog, and am about to graduate. We think Chicago is next on our list, to live in that is, and to go to grad school in. So there.


Vick Vickery
10-Jan-2011, 09:05
Welcome to group therepy. :) I often think seller's prices are "very optimistic", but never say so...in the deep south our mamas teach better manners ;) ...besides, anybody has the right to ask whatever they want, just like anybody has the right not to buy the item! If a price is too high, it will automatically become obvious by the lack of responce to the offer to sell; I wouldn't hesitate to make a lower offer privately, though.

10-Jan-2011, 09:07
Too, true. It's not a big deal, i just wanted to make some noise about it. That's what the Internet is for right?

Kirk Gittings
10-Jan-2011, 22:12
Abused huh? Really. You weren't abused on the For Sale forum you were just asked to follow the clearly stated rules like everyone else.

10-Jan-2011, 23:26
Abused huh? Really. You weren't abused on the For Sale forum you were just asked to follow the clearly stated rules like everyone else.

Ever speed? What if you got bitched out every time your speedometer crept over the limit? Ridiculous huh?

Kirk Gittings
11-Jan-2011, 02:48
I just read through that thread again. First you say you were "abused" then you say you were "bitched out". In fact you violated simple clear rules that were posted on that very thread. The moderator, Ken Lee, was very polite and professional, offering you sound advice to remedy it, which you refused to follow. I suggest that you read the forum guidelines to avoid future problems.

11-Jan-2011, 07:33
Well, I did ask the moderator a simple question and got a sort of an answer. I was also accused of trying to run an auction, drive my price up, so on and so forth. I felt that this community, put in place to help photographers, had zero room for error from a newish member. I wasn't trying to screw anyone out of money and I legitimately needed help with a price and appraisal. Surely the moderators don't want new, younger members to ignorantly sell their gear for less than it's worth. My issue came from being wrongly accused immediately of doing something (in addition to breaking the forum rules, my bad there) wrong. Perhaps you should create an appraisals board.

I mean this really isnt a big deal, I just like to stir the pot.

Michael Cienfuegos
11-Jan-2011, 10:38
Nothing wrong with stirring the pot. You shoot a Speed? You can't be all bad. I have three of them in various stages of disrepair, being held together with bailing wire and gaffer's tape. Welcome aboard this forum which is probably one of the best resources around.


keith schreiber
11-Jan-2011, 12:55
I just read through that thread again. First you say you were "abused" then you say you were "bitched out". In fact you violated simple clear rules that were posted on that very thread. The moderator, Ken Lee, was very polite and professional, offering you sound advice to remedy it, which you refused to follow. I suggest that you read the forum guidelines to avoid future problems.

Kirk -
The edit function does not appear to be available in the For Sale forum. I was just looking for it to modify the title on one of my threads to indicate the thing had been sold. I can't do that, nor can I edit a post in that forum, nor delete the thread. I don't think the OP could have done anything even if he had wanted to. This may be part of the problem that perhaps one of the moderators could remedy.
~ Keith

Gem Singer
11-Jan-2011, 13:09

I just posted a lens F.S.

The edit function is included, as with the usual posts.

It is probably only available for a limited time, however.

Kirk Gittings
11-Jan-2011, 13:14
Kirk -
The edit function does not appear to be available in the For Sale forum. I was just looking for it to modify the title on one of my threads to indicate the thing had been sold. I can't do that, nor can I edit a post in that forum, nor delete the thread. I don't think the OP could have done anything even if he had wanted to. This may be part of the problem that perhaps one of the moderators could remedy.
~ Keith

Keith, All he needed to do was post a price. He didn't need to edit anything.

You have the ability to edit your posts for 30 minutes after posting=after that it is locked. It was set up this way because if people could edit their posts forever then responses to earlier versions of their posts would become isolated with no context. If necessary, one can always ask a moderator to change a post beyond the 30 minute limit. It happens all the time.

keith schreiber
11-Jan-2011, 13:31
Thanks for the clarification. I don't think that is stated anywhere. My comment was mostly about my own thread where I even posed the question, though nobody responded. I do think it would be nice if there was a way to mark a listing as sold without bumping it back to the top of the list.

Regarding the other situation with the OP of this thread, maybe there should be a place where it is safe to inquire about the value of an item. If such a place already exists, maybe a moderator should simply move the offending thread to that location. Not all of us are as knowledgeable as some about these things, and I've had personal experience with unscrupulous resellers who will take advantage of anyone they can. In fact, someone (who I will not name) who seems to be generally well-respected here recently bragged about doing just that on another thread.

Eric James
11-Jan-2011, 14:32
I believe that the edit window is two hours, but it seems more like thirty minutes if you're prone to making allot (sic) of typos, as I am.


Kirk Gittings
11-Jan-2011, 16:27
I believe that the edit window is two hours, but it seems more like thirty minutes if you're prone to making allot (sic) of typos, as I am.


The setting for the time cut-off is currently 120 minutes, not 30 minutes, according to Tom Westbrook, who handles the software configuration and such.

If a response is posted before the 120 minutes expires, however, editing of the original post would still be prevented.

Remember, too, there is a "Preview Post" button that can be used prior to submitting a post.

You are right. Thanks for pointing that out.

Kirk Gittings
11-Jan-2011, 16:37
Regarding the other situation with the OP of this thread, maybe there should be a place where it is safe to inquire about the value of an item. If such a place already exists, maybe a moderator should simply move the offending thread to that location. Not all of us are as knowledgeable as some about these things, and I've had personal experience with unscrupulous resellers who will take advantage of anyone they can. In fact, someone (who I will not name) who seems to be generally well-respected here recently bragged about doing just that on another thread.

I will ask the other Moderators, but I suspect they won't go for it. You could do that (ask for an appraisal) in any thread, for example Cameras and Camera Accessories. You don't need a special sub-forum. The reason we ask for clearly stated prices in the For Sale section, is that we do not want the postings to become overwhelmed by bidding posts.

Henry Ambrose
11-Jan-2011, 16:55
You can do a search on eBay completed items if you want to establish a price range. Trying to establish price at the same time you are selling is not a great idea. Everyone involved is immediately thrust into the possibility of a conflict of interest. At the least its clumsy and maybe even troll-like.

Do your research then post it up a little high. If you're close someone will make you an offer.