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View Full Version : 8x10 Adox CHS 100, Fomapan 100 and HP5Plus

26-Dec-2010, 10:20

with 8x10 I work with Ilford HP5Plus film and develop in XTOL in a Jobo Expert Drum 3005. For testing (composition) I would like to use a cheaper film which also works fine with XTOL. The cost of HP5 is 4,49 Euro at the moment per 8x10 inch sheet.

If I see it right Adox CHS 100 (2,12 Euro) and Fomapan 100 (1,71 Euro) are the cheapest 8x10 inch films. I found no 400 substitute. My questions are:

Which one comes closer to the HP5?
Do the Adox and Fomapan have a different base than HP5? I read that the base of the Adox/Fomapan is more sensitive and difficult to keep flat.
The literature about Adox says, it should be pre soaked, not be developed over 20°C and needs a hardener in the fixer. Is that true? Is the Fomapan easier to handle?
An Adox 400 is probably at the horizon. But I need some film now.
Did I overlook some other cheap b/w-film?

Thank you.

John Kasaian
26-Dec-2010, 10:59
I don't think Fomapan 100 is anything like HP-5+.
Do you mean Fomapan 400?
I shoot Fomapan 100 and it is a good economical film, slow but very capable of great results. It's only weakness IMHO is in reciprocity---if you expect to encounter long exposures where reciprocity will raise it's ugly head, there are better selections but for normal daylight photography I like it.
I'll probably be testing Fomapan 400 sometime in the future, but HP-5+ is my "fast"
8x10 film

26-Dec-2010, 11:25
I don't think Fomapan 100 is anything like HP-5+.
Do you mean Fomapan 400?
I shoot Fomapan 100 and it is a good economical film, slow but very capable of great results. It's only weakness IMHO is in reciprocity---if you expect to encounter long exposures where reciprocity will raise it's ugly head, there are better selections but for normal daylight photography I like it.
I'll probably be testing Fomapan 400 sometime in the future, but HP-5+ is my "fast"
8x10 film

Thank you for the tip. Now I googled and found Fomapan 400 sheet film. The shops where I buy my film only sell Fomapan 400 in 35mm and 120 rolls. But now I found a shop which sells sheets too.


8-Jan-2011, 15:17

Where did you find the Fomapan 400 in 8x10 ? I'm looking for a not-too-expensive 8x10 B/W film for my first tries in that format.


Thank you for the tip. Now I googled and found Fomapan 400 sheet film. The shops where I buy my film only sell Fomapan 400 in 35mm and 120 rolls. But now I found a shop which sells sheets too.


8-Jan-2011, 15:20

Where did you find the Fomapan 400 in 8x10 ? I'm looking for a not-too-expensive 8x10 B/W film for my first tries in that format.



Here, hope that helps.

28-Mar-2011, 12:15
And also here http://www.fomafoto.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=1385&category_id=35&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1

30-Mar-2011, 10:06
Hi Johannes - The problem with substituting another film for HP5+ for testing is that each film and developer combination is unique.

I've been involved in film testing for myself and with our film testing service for over 20 years and have seen even differences in the same film and developer combination done in different part of the country.

If you have a Jobo 3006 or 3010 drum you could test 4x5 HP5+ since the emulsion is the same for 4x5, 5x7 and 8x10. You would just have to try to keep the area of the film and the volume of developer similar in the testing procedure to the area and volume for 8x10. This works for Jobo processors.

It doesn't work with our BTZS tubes for for testing 4x5 and 8x10 since the spinning of the tubes would not be the same.

You might check out the BTZS film testing procedure. I have posted 2 videos on youtube.com on the BTZS film testing procedure using the Plotter for PC program. To find the videos please do a search on the word "viewcamerastore:.

Phil Davis did an article for our D-Max Newsletter testing 9 film and 5 different developers and the two developers he preferred were Ilford ID-11 (Kodak D-76) and Ilford DDX.

Fred Newman