View Full Version : New Portlander

9-Aug-2010, 22:04
Howdy all, been cruising these boards for quite some time now but I'm slowly starting to post as I begin shooting more LF. Just put together a simple little Shen-Hao 4x5 field kit. I'm an early-20s undergraduate senior studying photography in Portland, OR. In the last 18 months or so I've mostly been shooting urban, especially industrial, landscapes but very recently I've been expanding into more natural landscapes while retaining the same straightforward, simplistic style. This next year will see me complete (at least to a point) my senior project, but I'm not really talking to anyone but my prof about that quite yet. I also shoot a Fuji GSW690III rangefinder, and am quite fond of it. Aside from the 6x9 and now the 4x5, I just use my beloved Canon S90 compact camera, which always travels with me. I currently run the print lab on campus, so I have a fair amount of experience with digital color, flatbed scanning and inkjet printing.

Outside of photography I am also an avid cyclist living a wonderful car-free (mostly - I admittedly use a car share service for trips outside of the metro area) life. Sometimes I question this whilst biking around with a 4x5 camera kit, but it's worth it. I'm also a very dedicated beer aficionado. Between photography, bikes and beer, Portland is certainly the right area for me.

If you please, I do have a website and a flickr at http://kevinedward.com and http://www.flickr.com/photos/picturemonger/, respectively. There isn't any LF work on my website as of yet, but I've just updated my flickr with the first 4x5 shots back from the lab.

Thanks for the wonderful resource, all.

Vick Vickery
10-Aug-2010, 07:35
Welcome to group therepy! :) You're starting with good equipment and seem to have a good grasp of perspective correction from your photos. Don't forget to have fun with it at the same time as you're working toward your degree!

20-Aug-2010, 23:00
Hi Kedbro,

Congrats on your new Shen-Hao 4x5...

If you have the opportunity of visiting Canon Beach (about 2 hours outside Portland) make sure you take your new Shen-Hao with you. It's a very scenic part of the world and begs to be photographed with a large format camera!

And, as Vick said, "Don't forget to have fun with it..."


Andrew O'Neill
21-Aug-2010, 10:42
I just spent a few days in Portland and Cannon Beach with my 8x10. Enjoyed it very much. People are quite layed back and Cannon Beach is beautiful... the sand squeaks beneath your feet it's so clean. I also appreciated NO TAX!