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View Full Version : Ultra Large Format concept 12x20 inches

14-Jul-2010, 14:48
Ultra Large Format concept 12x20 inches

Concepted and realised by Michel Borel

Im a french photographer and Ive created this, please see the pictures by this link.
Please say what you think about in french.


Mark Woods
14-Jul-2010, 16:15
Very cool!!

Steve Hamley
14-Jul-2010, 16:24
Very cool indeed!

Cheers, Steve

Michael Kadillak
14-Jul-2010, 16:44
Bravo on a job very well done. Looks like you have considerable bellows extension and a platform and tripod that will provide you with all the stability/rigidity to make some marvelous images with it. There is nothing more than using and enjoying the products of your ingenuity and hard work.

Craig Roberts
14-Jul-2010, 17:04
Great job on this. Have fun using it. Here is my home built 12x20, Craig

14-Jul-2010, 17:15

John Bowen
14-Jul-2010, 18:23
Wow! Looks like it could withstand a nuclear blast :-)

Have fun and welcome to the wonderful world of ULF

evan clarke
15-Jul-2010, 04:45
Ultra Large Format concept 12x20 inches

Concepted and realised by Michel Borel

Im a french photographer and Ive created this, please see the pictures by this link.
Please say what you think about in french.


Cool, How does your wife feel about carrying it for you?:) ..Evan Clarke

Joe Smigiel
16-Jul-2010, 21:50
C'est tout un projet. Êtes-vous un machiniste ainsi ou avez-vous conçu la caméra et externaliser les parties? Quel genre de sujets envisagez-vous de photographier avec cet appareil? Combien de kilos faut-il peser?

(S'il vous plaît pardonnez la traduction vers le français par ordinateur.)

17-Jul-2010, 07:47
Je pense que vous devez changer de métier : au lieu d'être photographe vous devriez être constructeur d'appareils photographiques comme Deardorff , Hass de Chamonix ....
Un travail bien fait.

17-Jul-2010, 08:50
oui oui; sacre blu; o merd! Sorry but that's the only French I know.

17-Jul-2010, 12:53
bonjour et merci a tous je suis un bon a rien .....................je fais en sorte d être le meilleur michel

25-Sep-2010, 06:12
je peut vous faire des plans suffi de me le demander avec votre fax ou adresse postal michel