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View Full Version : Downsides to using reducing backs?

Christopher Condit
10-Mar-2002, 14:30
Of course a larger camera will be more expensive, bulkier, and heavier. My ques tion is what *functional* downsides are there to using an 8x10 with a 5x7 reduci ng back, which make it less desirable than using a 5x7 camera? I would guess th at you could use 5x7 lenses on the 8x10, plus 8x10 lenses, for a net gain.

The one obvious point is movement restriction when the bellows is compressed, an d with a bag bellows, and maybe a Wisner, which claims to have a minimum draw of 0mm, even this problem could be overcome.

What other points are missing from my beginner's unexperienced analysis?



10-Mar-2002, 19:27
An upside is less bellows flare. Apart from weight, I don't see any.

Andy Eads
12-Mar-2002, 16:56
There may be a difference in the film plane location from one back to the other. If you are doing close-up work, this may affect exposure compensation calculations.